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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Keyakizaka46: 2018 Magazine scans #16 and a tad more....

 Slowing down on these 2018 mag posts, there were thirteen by the end of February but only three since then and it may slow down even more. Nogi has their next single coming out in two weeks, that means Keya will probably step back for a while as the groups tend to do that when the other has a single coming out.
 From April 6th to the 8th Keya celebrated their second anniversary with three concerts at the Musashino Forest Sports Plaza Arena. The place holds 8,000 fans and all of the shows were naturally sold out, once again Manaka and Yurina were absent. Neither one has appeared at a group event for over a month now but the other members seem to carry on well without them. At the top is a short news clip from the concerts.

 There have been more happenings with the members but holding a few pics back.for some solo posts. Been doing many lately for Nogi but for some reason haven't done enough of them for Keya members. Will try to have one for at least four gals this month, one will be for Risa who may have turned into the most seductive Idol currently active and she out shined everyone else at the last 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show.

 Nanako is also a huge fave of mine, one reason perhaps for the lack of solo posts as that the members don't appear in enough mags or at events. There have been three recent Hustle Press features with Nanako with these being from one of them.

 Keya's sixth single "Glass wo Ware!" has shown some staying power. It's first week sales were an incredible 833,000 copies sold, in it's next four weeks it sold another 115,000 so looks like in about five weeks the group will have it's first million seller.

 Finally on to some recent mag spreads, don't know why anan #2095 had only a two page set for Akane as she deserves ten times as many with her sultry looks....

But she is a member of the subunit Aozora to MARRY who performed a few tunes at the second anniversary shows. At them it was just the Kanji members as for some odd reason Hiragana didn't even do one set.

 Manaka is also part of the quintet but was sadly not at the show, health reasons have been her excuse for taking an extended break. However she is with the other four gals of Aozora to MARRY who have this A+ set though a tad small form the April 18th edition of Weekly Shonen. Surprised they had a spread as they didn't have a tune on the new single.

 Miyu is a member who we've seen very little of the past few months, she was one of the trio who were 'hurt' at the New Years Eve 'Kohaku' show. She has the first set from the current issue of 20+ Sweet along with a small set featuring Rika.

 Lastly is the biggest spread of the day which has Neru on the cover of the April 23rd issue of WPB and she seems to have become the face of Keya.


  1. I want to go to a Keya concert, party looks 👌
    Yuuka...PB! *gasp*

  2. That is kind of surprising, she does have an attractive face but never thought of her being someone who'd look good in a skimpy bikini. Hopefully she'll prove me wrong but Risa would have been my #1 choice for the group's next PB, Yui I. may not have been a bad selection either.

  3. Yuuka does have a nice figure but about all of Yuuka mags have been kid friendly so it would kinda(KINDA!!) be an unwanted surprise. She has nice legs tho👌(IMO they are a killa). Think a lot of it will be a conservative look judging how it was shot in Paris. Those two would be a good choice along with Akane(So basically, everybody in MARRY haha) and I would just slip in an unpopular choice, Shiori.

  4. Akane would have been my second choice for a PB, I think she's quite alluring but have a feeling she doesn't have that many fans out there. My third choice would be Nanako, the odds of her having a book are a million to one but think she's much more attractive then she appears, actually she appears quite oki doki to me.
    From what I've read Yuuka's PB is going to be quite steamy. It was shot in Paris like you said, that's the city in France not Texas. Heard there's going to be some skimpy lingerie pics and perhaps you're right about her figure....

  5. I think Akane gets outshined a lot nowadays and there's not much solo mags despite looking dynamite like where she wore a black dress with red lipstick(I forgot the name of the mag but ya got it somewhere around here). I think another thing is their 'keyakake' show, I would say she's normal in it as in it's usually whoever has got some silly/bizarre story to say will take the spotlight (Nothing wrong with that btw). For example, the latest ep for 'keyakake' has Nana.O as the main focus and Miyu shares a little story of the two sharing a hotel room and Miyu randomly laying on top Nana, looking at the ceiling in silence and Nana had no reaction despite the awkward action(the imagery that they show at the bottom left is what I'm going off from). So it's those tiny bizarre stuff that happens on the shows that make them stand out more and for Akane, other than her "WARRIOR SPIRIT!" and sexy looks, I don't think there's much to go of from. I think that's why she might not have as much fans as we would think but idk just a guess. I going to predict Nanako will get a PB in 2020 because I think she's pretty popular now and it's slowly rising.
    There's a Paris in Texas!? Didn't know that...so...is the Mona Lisa in Texas?
    Lingerie!!...If it's going to be like that featured post up there...whew, then I think we are going to have a good PB...fingers crossed
