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Monday, April 2, 2018

Nogizaka46: The majestic 'Asuka Saito post' #5....

 Asuka's first and only photobook "Shiosai" was better than I expected and was certainly a massive seller. But she was just eighteen at the time, she's getting close to twenty and Asuka's looks have improved so much since that PB came out. What the means is a second book is one that so many fans would give their third arm to see, wouldn't mind seeing a PB consisting of pics like the above ones.

 Do enjoy doing solo posts more for the members but will have a few Nogi group ones coming up soon. Except for a few members the group has been more quiet than ever this year but with their twentieth single coming out in three weeks there should be plenty of new happenings happening. Above is one of the covers for the single, Asuka is in the front row as usual but to date "Hadashi de Summer" has been her only turn as a center, that may have been Nogi's last really superb single.
 Asuka remains the worst Nogi blogger, it's got to the point where I rarely check hers out but least she does keep very busy doing so many other activities. Above is a new Asuka CM for Snickers, she may be the only Nogi member to have one for the candy bar. These are some promo pics from the company and have noticed even Sadako has a Snickers CM!!!! 😱

 Another new batch of 'NogiKoi' cards came out about a month ago, that's an app game you can download for your phone.

 On to many recent mag spreads and still think no member has had as many solo sets as Asuka had had since the beginning of 2017. For a long time wasn't a huge fan of hers but think that mainly had to do with her being so young, as mentioned she will be turning twenty in four months. Nogi's variety shows have gone way downhill the past few years but will admit Asuka has become one of the bright spots of them. With age comes wisdom and perhaps hosting the 'Harry's English Class' radio show has done that to her.

 Now on to the mag spreads and here's one that was missed as wasn't in a group post, this small set is from the January 30th issue of Flash.

 Asuka is the cover girl for so many mags, she has that honor for the next three with this first one being from the March 29th edition of Young Jump.

 Third of the four spreads for today is from the April 11th Weekly Shonen, bottom three are bonus pics from the photo shoot.

 No doubt Asuka is so hot these days as why else would she appear on the cover of so many mags? Have heard that she's extremely popular with the female fans and may have more of them than any other Nogi member but bet many more male fans are starting to notice her. Final set of the day is from the May edition of BLT.

 Asuka is an exclusive model for three mags, the latest one to sign her up is Bis. Many pics here from their site, had her April spread in the last Nogi mag post. Was going to have another Asuka video to end off with after the pics but thought I'd do something different for a change. Mentioned at the top that even Sadako appears in CM's for Snickers, have one of them after these Bis pics.

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