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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Nogizaka46: 2019 Magazine scans #9....

 Seems to be a lot more Nogi mag spreads so far this year compared to 2018. They always appear in more mags than any other group but last year there was such a dip to them from 2017 where there were over seventy posts for mag spreads. With the new album and single coming out there will probably be more than ever the next two months but usually my predictions go awry. Last Nogi post started off with a few Mai pics as she never has enough of them and think too many fans out there may have forgotten about her. Not me as I would place her second on my current fave member's list, still plan on having a solo post by the end of the month and no member has better gams than Mai has....

 Have viewed that bottom pic so many times previously but never noticed how tremendous it is, wow and wow again! Nogi's 23rd single will be coming out on May 29th, it was just announced a few days ago so there's really zero info on it. Their last 3-4 singles have been massive sellers but the songs themselves were just okay. Played those last four singles yesterday and they really can't compare to their first twelve or so singles, to me the songs have lost so much energy.
 It's not that they are bad but none stand to stick out compared to other J-Pop groups. It's kind of odd where when a group's songs go downhill the sales increase dramatically which doesn't make much sense, AKB, SKE and a few other groups have fallen into the same pattern. Wasn't going to have any pics for a certain someone today but she really left me no alternative....

 Hmmmm, there were a lot of 'Zambi' drama cards with the members holding guns but never saw them use any on the show. Miona has been my #2 member for about two years, with the recent graduation of my #1 guess that means she should take over the top spot. At first didn't think she had what it took but upon further reflection  and also after staring down the barrel of that gun it looks like she's finally become my number one member, kind of close between her and the gal featured at the top. Had posted plenty of pics from the March 30th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show but found a few others, she's going to be at two more upcoming shows.

 As you can see in the above pic April 27th is the date for one of the shows, the other is another one for TGC that will be taking place on the 20th. Plus Miona is going to have the lead role in the upcoming movie "Hot Gimmick".It's scheduled to come out on June 28th, the first trailer for it was just released so will have it at the bottom of the post. Four pics here are brand new from a Modelpress interview for the film, Nogi's new album and one of her best friend's recent graduation.

 Just weren't enough pics for this post to be a Miona solo one though there are quite a few things. Last week she celebrated her second anniversary of being a co-host for the 'Recon' radio show, some pics from the last show plus some promo ones from it's site as a few other members will be having their own shows but on different days.

 It's rare when there's no Asuka spreads in these mag posts but that's the case today. However she does have some new promo pics at the 'Refrear' site which is a contact lens company. Bottom pics are from the making of a new CM for them and seems almost all Idols wear contacts.

 I'm not that old but it seems youngzheimer's(is it a word?) has affected my brain!!!! Of course she has a spread and how did I forget so quickly that she didn't? This could be the biggest set of the day which is from volume 038 of Larme.

 Posted the pics from Minami's photobook last week and she does have a fair amount of fans out there. Don't count me as one though in the beginning I somewhat liked her. But you can count me as a Hinako fan, she's currently be in the fifth position on my fave member's list. This is her fourth spread in the last two months and the pair share it which is from the April issue of Bomb.

 Kana is a member who I really thought would have graduated by now or at least announced it. She's been an Undergirl for a long time though has been a Senbatsu member on a few occasions and has often filled in with the main group when a member is sick or on leave. She has this next spread which is a mighty fine one from the May edition of Entame.

 This post ended up being quite big so am going to hold one spread back for the next group post. As usual saved the top pics for last and you're probably thinking to yourself, 'That must mean a bunch of Miona pics!'. Well you're correct with that thought, had she had a few more pics this could have been a solo post and they've been lacking for her recently. She has the cover for the final spread which is from the April edition of BLT Graph, after the pics check out the trailer for her "Hot Gimmick" film. It's a short video as the full length trailer hasn't been released yet.

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