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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nogizaka46: The mesmerizing 'Miona Hori post' #15....

 Sorry there hasn't been as many posts recently but in a way there has been as I haven't taken any days off from posting even though that was the plan for Wednesdays and possibly Thursdays. Still in a bit of that 'blah' state which I've had for a few weeks but it'll go away soon enough as it always does. But there may be a humongous amount of posts coming up soon though they may not be as massive as they usually are.
 Have about ten 'half posts' all ready to go but just can't get enough things for a regular sized post. Truly need to lower my standards on post size as there's really nothing too wrong with having posts consist of 25 or so pics versus ones three times that size. So if nothing new comes up soon for those ten expect to see an avalanche of them next week. Also have really increased my drama viewing a lot too recently, right after this am going to start recapping my next series even though I haven't finished posting about the 'Channel' drama.
 This new series is '3-Nen A Gumi.....', just watched the first episode for the second time and this could be the Japanese drama of the year. Can't wait to view the next shows as it's such an exciting drama, that first episode was so long it'll take two recaps as it was almost the length of a movie. Enough of my blabbering, didn't plan on going on for so long but it's good to keep the viewers who visit here often updated on things and it'd be nice to get a few comments in these posts.

 Miona also just made a brief appearance on a drama that just had two episodes. it aired on the cable network dTV and the title of the show was "Mitani". Here's the kink to it's site and she appears on a short video promoting it: Mitani site

 Of course Miona was also in the "Zambi" drama and had the second biggest role in the show. her acting has really improved and wish she had the lead role in the show. Did recap the entire series and while it started out a bit too slow the final episodes were all quite good and do recommend watching it if you're a Nogi fan.

 My fave line in the entire series was this one, wonder if all Nogi members share the same opinion?!

 Hmmm, know what I think but will let you viewers make up your own mind....

 This is only Miona's second solo post of the year but she's always had many pics in the group posts. But do expect that there will be another 3-4 of them in the next two months, knowing that is what inspires me more than almost anything else. She'll have the lead role in the film "Hot Gimmick" that comes out in June so would think there will be a few events for the movie, some interviews and many mag spreads.

 No solo post can be complete with out having some pics with you-know-who.

 Don't have any recent Nogi group cards though do have a few that had been missed and some from a long time ago. If you look at the top set of cards you'll notice Miona with a different hairstyle and lately she's been changing it weekly from a bob cut to pony tails to having it long, etc. but I've always liked her old style the best.

 Miona is an exclusive model for the ar magazine though she doesn't always appear in their monthly issues. Think I missed this one small spread which was from their March edition.

 But she also has some terrific new pics at their site.

 Miona has been a co-host of the Wednesday radio show 'Recon' since April 2017 which means she just celebrated her second anniversary, these pics are from this week's show.

 For years Miona has been Nogi's best blogger. But like all of the other members has really cut down on posting the past year though she still has more pics than anyone else.

 Miona has a pair of mag spreads, one has come out while the Brody issue should be out next week and she shares it with perhaps her best Nogi mate. The other spread is from the new issue of Young Magazine but will have it in a group post as there was only one solo page and there were actually more outtake pics from the photo shoot.

 Miona is usually at all of the bigger fashion shows though she wasn't at the TGC one that was held on April 20th. But today she traveled up north to the 'Sapporo Collection' show where she represented Vans, not a huge event as there weren't too many pics from it.

 As you can see two other Nogi members were in attendance, hope to have a solo post for the middle gal soon. Final item today is a fabulous set of pics from the May 2nd issue of Weekly Shonen and Miona is the cover girl. It's not subbed but after the pics have a video from the last 2:50 of the "Zambi" drama which was such an excellent ending. Miona's character's name was Minori and she had been bitten by a Zambi which meant she became one!!!!

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