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Saturday, October 19, 2019

HKT48: The first and hopefully not last.... Sae Kurihara post!!!!

 Don't think this will end up being her only post as I expect to be seeing more of her in the future plus there's a few older things to get to. Sae may be a bit unknown to many viewers out there but guarantee everyone will enjoy this post as there's some truly mouth watering pics, can go back in time with Sae things as she's 23 and hit that age on June 20th.
 HKT is such a mystery of a group, little doubt too they're the least busy of any popular J-Pop group. Their last single was in April, before that their previous single was in May 2018. So in the last 26 months the group has only put out two singles! It's true they've lost a few popular members but the gals I like the most are all still with HKT so why are they so consistently quiet? Have said a few times they need to be like the '46' groups when they started out and release four singles in a year. Being busy has certainly been working for Hina46, HKT's sales have dropped their last few singles as I think it's become a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'.

 But HKT has been doing a few more concerts lately, really hope that's a sign of some future songs as the current members in the group are really so likable. On to Sae and as I mentioned think most of you will really be enjoying her pics which at times are second to none. One person she's been likened to is Rika from Keya, the two could definitely really be sisters. They look so much alike why haven't the pair done a mag spread together?

 Not a look-a-like but nice to see she has a huge Nao fave as one of her's too.

 That top pic was from the September 28th 'Girls Award' show that took place in Chiba. Sae did take a stroll on the catwalk but with another member, not enough good pics from that. But there are some superb ones from after the show which were for an interview with Walker Plus.

 Lot of HKT members appeared at the October 5th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that was held down in Kitakyushu, the group also performed a few songs.

 Sae was one of 32(?) '48' members who participated in the 'Produce 48' challenge with the top twelve becoming the current group I*Zone. She made it to the fourth round which was quite good, to me it's better that her and a few other Idols didn't make the final cut or we would be seeing much less of them such as a key HKT ex-member.

 On to a quartet of Sae mag spreads, three are from this year with the last one being brand new. Went back a bit in time with this set from the July 2018 edition of Entame.

 May have had this set in a group post but it's been so long since there was one for HKT most of you have probably never seen this terrific Sae spread from the February issue of UTB.

 She's joined in this next set with her Team TII mate Emiri, she'll be turning 21 in less than two months. This spread is from a new special Flash issue called 'Best of Autumn 2019'.

 Mentioned that Sae is 23 in age but she didn't join HKT until she was twenty, don't know what she was doing before that. On the group's last single she was the center for the first time for a tune called "Otona Ressha wa Doko wa Hashitteru no ka?". There's only a short version of it on YT but it is one of their more upbeat songs and have the video after this final set of pics. This spread is from the November edition of EX-Taishu, bottom six pics are bonus ones. That top pic looks so much like Rika at first thought the spread was of her.

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