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Friday, May 8, 2020

Nogizaka46: "Keep Your Hands off Eizouken!" drama- Episode one recap

 Air Dates: April 5th to May 10, 2020 on MBS, Sundays at 12:50 am
Eizouken means Film Research Club so presume the full title means Keep your hands off our club!.... subs done by Yodasukas

Main Cast: 

Asuka Saito as Midori Asakusa.... a very timid young girl who loves anime and drawing, somehow her best friend over the years has been Sayaka

Minami Umezawa as Sayaka Kanamori.... best friends with Modori even though she dislikes anime, she formed Eizouken and seems to be the smartest of the trio plus she absolutely loves money which was the main reason for her forming the unit

Mizuki Yamashita as Tsubame Mizusaki.... comes from a very wealthy family plus is a popular model, she loves anime as much as Midori does though has to keep it a secret from her family

The others who we see now and again but to date none of the characters are overly important.

Sakurako Konishi as Toru Dotonburi.... president of the student council
Rio Fukumoto as Hisashi Ashima.... on the student council
Hiyori Sakurada as Domeki.... also on the student council\
Yuuki Kameda as Azuhata.... on the baseball club
Ken Sugawara as Yamada.... on the baseball club
Yura Someno as Takanashi.... on the punk music club
Masahiro Takashima as Fujimoto.... teacher and adviser to the Eizouken group

 The setting is the Shibahama high school, all three Nogi heroines play sixteen year old freshman though all are in their twenties. There's a total of six episodes, the last one will air in two days. The series was supposed to be a lead in to the film with the same cast scheduled to come out on May 15th but the release of it has been postponed. At the top will have a different video for eash post, today's is a short promo of this episode. Once you take out the credits an episode is about 22 1/2 minutes in length so these recaps shouldn't be too long, have a pair of them for today. The series starts off on day one of high school and it's a place that's really into school clubs.

 Have no clue yet how huge the Shibahama high school is but one thing that is large there is the amount of clubs. There's 413(!) of them and of course many overlap with their activities. Seems the main purpose of the student council is to accept, reject or disband clubs, there have been many segments through two episodes with the council doing those things. They get the second most air time and will refer to them now and again but of course we see the trio of Nogi members in almost every scene and let's start off with them attending their first day of school.
 Asuka at first appeared she was going to have the lead role, she may have a bit more screen time but the other two member's roles are just as huge. She plays Midori who is a very timid girl though a very smart one, she's really into anime, mangas and drawing but keeps it all to herself. Drawing and creating manga stories is something Midori is quite talented at yet she may keep it hidden away from the world due to her being very shy so it's surprising who her best friend is and perhaps her only one.
 That's Sayaka and you can see the pair in those above screenshots. Sayaka doesn't seem to have many interests save for money which she absolutely loves. Sayaka is always thinking of ways to get more and often Midori bribes her best friend to do things with her. Though such opposites the pair do get along so well but nothing to date is known about their families and it may not be important.
 But one family we did learn a bit about was Tsubame's, she's a new girl in town who Midori and Sayaka have never met but they do know a bit about her. Tsubame is a popular model and the students are jumping for joy when she arrived at school but I was wondering why would such a popular and rich girl go to an everyday high school? Tsubame comes from a very wealthy family and her parents are well known actors, she even has a pair of bodyguards who follow her around.

 As Tsubame says above they're not exactly bodyguards but servants. Their main task is to prevent Tsubame from doing her main favorite activities which are anime and drawing, such a pristine young model shouldn't be doing those kinds of things. Tsubame heard about the anime club and dashed into it's first meeting to lose her servants. They were hot on her tail and threw the whole meeting room into chaos as they soon chased her all around the school grounds and even farther. Midori at first had referred to Tsubame as 'monopoly' due to her being such a popular model and her guards as 'GHQ' which is an olden Japanese term which Midori stops using after this show.
 It appeared the guards had Tsubame trapped but there's no way she was going to let herself be captured and really wanted to meet her possible two new friends who were of course Midori and Sayaka. Tsubame even jumped into a small canal to elude her pursuers, helping her cause out more were the police and security clubs, this high school has every kind of club. With their help Tsubame eventually escaped and ended up in a laundromat with her future two best friends. While her clothes were drying Tsubame shocked the pair when she revealed what a fanatic she was of anime and showed the two some of her drawings. Midori was overly impressed, she's an superb drawer too but couldn't draw some of the things Tsubame could. Tsubame said the same thing about Midori's drawings, could a partnership between the two be in the works?

 Sayaka isn't a fan of animes nor can she draw but she wasn't going to be left out of this possible money making project. Won't give away too much of a spoiler but to begin off the next recap she's the one who ended up forming Eizouken. To end the show off, remember an episode is only a little over 22 minutes in length, Midori revealed to the pair her 'drawings'. This was a dream sequence as she created a flying ship and with Tsubame aiding in some drawings of her own the ship was now operable. The trio took a quick spin around Tokyo and almost crashed into a few skyscrapers, lot of special effects are used in this show. After the mini spin in the 'dream ship' the gals woke up to reality but now they seem to have a plan to work together, that's what the second show starts off with.

 Prefer shorter episodes so much more these days, 22+ minutes is a perfect length to me but wonder if six shows will be enough? Had wanted to do two pairs of three recaps but instead am doing three pairs with two recaps as only the first two shows have been subbed. Didn't want to let these sit around for too long as the final show airs in two days. As always have plenty of screenshots to help you follow the story better and the next post has the recap for the second episode.

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