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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Hinatazaka46: A little(huge) bit of this and that for 2022 #11....


 Almost always have a nice pair(!) of gravure pics to begin a post off with and outside of a few photobooks pics like those are such a rarity for Hina members. But as terrific as those gravure pics are the above to me may actually be a bit better, wonder if either one of them will ever be in line to have a book which I certainly wouldn't mind! Speaking of the word "Actually" that's the title of Nogi's last single which was released on March 23rd. After ten weeks it's sold just a little less than 560,000 copies and that's their lowest selling single in eight years. Bring that up because Hina's seventh single "Boku Nanka" comes out in three days and this could be their best chance to outsell Nogi! Hina's sales have dropped a bit too but guess there's an outside chance they could top "Actually" and I'd really like to see that happen.

 As fa as 'mini posts' go that's something that will never happen with a group post but this may be slightly smaller than usual. There hasn't been too many recent mag spreads but then again have been having more of them in solo posts. Once again there's no mini recap for an episode of Hina's variety show "Aimashou' as two of them weren't subbed. That's because the members themselves didn't appear on those two shows but did return for show #160 so will have that in the next group post. But do have many other things and would rather post those them than mag spreads. However do have a few of them for today so why not start out with them? In every issue of Friday Hina has a two page group spread which has been popular as there was also a photobook for these spreads which was a massive seller. That feature in the mag is called 'Hina Natsu' and have seven of those two page spreads for today, they work backwards from May 20th to April 1st.

 Try to feature as many members as possible in these posts and it's easier to do that for Hina compared to the other '46' groups' as all the gals seem to have a lot of pics. These here are from the group's blog and the pics are of Yuka who I think is Hina's smartest and wittiest member.

 One more batch of pics from Hina's blog which are of Mei, I like her quite a bit but she's been much more quiet this year compared to 2021. After those ten pics are four brand new ones for the group's 'Hina Koi' web game.

 On May 14th seven members attended the Spring 'Girls Award' show and to date have posted pics of five members from that show. One missing has been Shiho and that's because I'm saving those pics for her next solo post which hopefully will be within the next two weeks. The last member then to have pics for is Mirei who took her stroll on the 'Top of the Hill' stage.

 I've always liked Hina's captain Kumi quite a bit and don't know why she hasn't had more solo posts. That'll be changing soon as she does deserve her turn in the spotlight so you should be seeing more of them in the future which means not many pics in these group pots. But will have one final batch of them which are new modeling pics for the Ray magazine. But of course that first pic isn't as it's with Risa from the May 14th ''Girls Award' show, until recently never knew how close they were.

 We're getting close to the end, quite a few pics for today though not too many activities. Usually end off with a superb mag spread but there are none for today but plenty will be coming out next week. That's okay for to me the promo  pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game are always terrific and have four more members for today. First off with eight pics is Hiyori, she's a model for the With magazine but no recent pics from them, following her is Mana who isn't mentioned here as much as other members. All of these pics for today are for the months of April and May. Speaking of With they stopped their print editions with the May issue and that's a shame as many '46' members are models for them.

 And to end off have more 'Uni's pics which feature Kumi and Mirei, the  pair do have the same last name though aren't related but because of that do often appear in mag spreads together. There's four videos to date for the "BokuNanaka" single, three are in previous group posts. The one that hadn't been posted is the PV for "Mayonaka no Zange Taikai" which you can view after the pics and it really reminds me of some older Nogi music.