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Friday, April 21, 2023

Keyakizaka46: The fourth invigorating post for... Rei Ozono!


 Save for photobooks seems most posts for Idols these days get so many less views than they once did though two Hina members are a bit popular. Bet that has to do with the fact so many of our fave Idols have graduated the last few years and that too could be a huge reason it's becoming more difficult to do posts. This is Rei's second post in ten days though you may not see another for a while. Her first photobook was just released and that top pic is from it, Rei does have some fans here though not a large amount.... yet! Perhaps if she can have a few more posts that'll increase her fan club and while there may not be any regular posts like this coming up too soon may have something else.

 Those posts may be for the "Actress" drama that just began a week ago. It is going to be subbed so will be doing recaps for all eight episodes but not sure when yet. This new series is a spin off from the "Borderless" drama that aired in 2021, until a few days ago could find only one subbed episode. But three days ago did find all ten so think it may be a wise idea to view that series first, by the time I finish watching and recapping the drama the current series should be done. Rei wasn't in the 2021 show but she does have a huge role in this new drama which is where you may be seeing her next. Let's get to things and seeing as how her last post was done just ten days ago there's not a massive amount of things but bet there's over fifty new pics. No IG photos so how about some with her seemingly close mate and both do star in the new drama.

 Rei's first photobook came out three days ago, it was timed to coincide with her 23rd birthday which was on the 18th. No pics of her celebrating but when a Keya/Hina member has a birthday the 'Uni's on Air' web game also has four extra promo pics for them that month.

 Rei hosted 'Showroom' three days ago to plug the photobook and her birthday, will have the video of that at the bottom of the post.

 Rei has done quite a few interviews for the book and also Keya's Spring tour. Here's the link to one of them which was with Yahoo JapanInterview link

 In the last year or so seems Rei has appeared in more magazines than any other Keya member. So to me it doesn't make sense that there's been so few of them to promote the book, this set here is from the April 25th issue of Flash.

 Have more outtake/promo pics here from the photobook, a few were in her last post but some are brand new. The photo shoots took place in Rei's hometown of Kagoshima and also Hokkaido.

 On April 18th, which was Rei's 23rd birthday, there was an event for the book at the Tsutaya bookstore in Shibuya and I'm so glad events are being held again for books. Title for the book is "Hanbun Hikari, Hanbun Kage" and I have no clue whether this is supposed to be a big seller but it does help that Keya is on tour where many more copies will be sold. Pics here are from the event, after them is a video of Rei hosting 'Showroom' on the 18th and of course there was no video of this event.

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