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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Rika Izumi: A little bit of this and that....


 On May 4th there's gong to be a 'Girls Award' show and the photos from those are always top notch ones. There will be about fifteen members from Hina, Keya and Nogi there along with some others who I like quite a bit so hopefully that'll break the ice for more posts. However Rika won't be in attendance and she never shows up at those bigger fashion shows and wonder why? Can recall her being at two way back in 2017 but none since then and she still blows away 98% of the females who are a decade or more younger.

 Gravure photos like these at the top is something we'll never see again from Rika but I still think she looks so terrific no matter how she's dressed, especially in her modeling pics. Rika has made the top twelve on the yearly faves list six consecutive years and she should make it seven in 2023. The only problem is no woman has broken away from the pack, some are having solid years as far as their activities go but currently have no #1 at this point, hope that changes soon for if there's no number one or even two or three how could a list be done?

 Think there will be close to eighty new pics for this pot but could have made it larger, am holding back some things so there can be at least one post for her next month. Will begin off with some photos from her IG page and Rika usually doesn't post too many of them. Few of the pics are from a recent Fendi event but there sadly so few others from it.

 Rika's acting career has been going well the last three years but doesn't have any upcoming dramas or movies. There just isn't enough time to view and/or recap all of the dramas I would like to do. "Kimi to Sekai" is an example of that, did view and recap the first two seasons. Now two more seasons of six episodes have aired and will I ever have time for them(?), there's also going to be a fifth season. Rika wasn't in any of them but was in a TV movie that aired between the third and fourth seasons, it aired on March 19th and don't know why she wasn't in the new season as her character Reina wasn't killed off. Did view the TV movie and have plenty of screenshots here from it. Same premise as the other seasons as the Earth is being overrun by Golems which are very similar to Zombies. Reina had been trapped by a horde of these creatures but had been saved by the show's long time hero Hibiki along with his young assistant Yuzuki, joining this trio was another new character named Ace and the team headed to a nearby resort. Reina said the place was safe from Golems which was true and at this resort the twenty or so residents were partying it up as if there was no tomorrow!

 But of course the good times didn't last forever, many of these people were not to be trusted and by the end many had been killed by an army of Golems. Reina wasn't to be trusted either as she took Yuzuki as a hostage unless Hibiki surrendered which he did. But Reina had been forced to do that as the resort leader had taken her own sister as a hostage and was treating her like a slave. But in the end good triumphed over evil, the first fifteen minutes were a bit silly at times but the last half hour was quite action packed. Rika looked darn good as Reina and it's a shame she wasn't in the fourth season, many screenshots of her from the special.

 On to some more newer pics, wish Rika appeared in more magazines as her only recent one was from the May issue of Oggi.

 Also have a pair of batches of some new super duper Rika modeling pics. Usually end off her posts with ones from the Stola site but will change that up for today, this set is from their Summer collection and will have more in her next post.

 We've hit the end and while it seemed to be a small post there were over seventy new pics. For the finale have these fabulous new ones from the Snidel Summer collection and Rika never seems to age! Though there weren't too many photos do have a video from that Fendi event after the pics.

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