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Friday, April 28, 2023

Konoka Matsuda: Her slightly belated but regal.... Happy 24th Birthday post!


 Am I going to be glad when April ends and bet you viewers feel the same way. Every year there's always that one very slow month for posts and it's often unavoidable, odd how it's been April a few times. But when the calendar turns a page on Monday think things will become much busier and it's funny what a difference a few days can make. Next weekend there may be ten posts and hope I have time to write them all up! Usually take the final day of the month off which is this Sunday so will try to have a few posts for tomorrow. Not sure how many but a definite post will be for one ultra, ultra super duper photobook which I know all will savor!

 When things are slow I often turn to Hina for a post as one can almost always be done. That was the plan for today but when I started on it realized that yesterday Konoka celebrated her 24th birthday! She just may be my second fave member and to me she has the most attractive face of any current Idol. So there was no way that I could skip having a post for Konoka and glad I had been saving some things up for there may be sixty or new pics for this post. Hopefully it'll garner her a few new fans as her previous six posts were anything but popular. Probably because there hasn't been any gravure pics which to me is not a bad thing, most other Hina solo posts get a high amount of views.

 Did look for some older Konoka birthday pics but there's so few of them. Let's begin off with some recent IG pics and Konoka just opened an account in March, she's just the third second generation member to do so.

 I really like the way Konoka looks in that blue outfit which is similar to what a flight attendant would wear, the bottom two are from yesterday's birthday. More newish pics which are these Hina cards from earlier this year and none have come out yet for their new single.

 Here's another terrific batch of Konoka cards which are for Hina's 'Mysterious Library' web game. Top five are for April while the other cards are from March.

 The most popular post Konoka has ever had was a 'Pairs Post' with her close Hina mate Suzuka. As a matter of fact that's been one of the most popular 'Pairs Post' that has ever been done, the two have a spread in the next issue of Brody so perhaps the duo need another post together!

 The fabulous pics continue with these new ones for the 'Uni's on Air web game. Most months a member will have four photos, when its your birthday you have an extra four. Those are the top four, the next ones are regular ones for April. Then the batch ends off with some from March and their special 'Precious Pair' series. Yuka was her mate and she'll be graduating very soon though don't think the official date has been set yet. She's a member who has never had a solo post so that'll be one done sometime in the future.

 No new solo magazine spreads so let's end with an encore viewing of this semi oldie and Konoka was the cover girl for the September 21st issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday. On April 30th Hina will be opening their second YT channel and this one seems more geared towards the members, have her short promo video for the channel after the pics.

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