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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jin Se-Yun: "High End Crush" drama episode five recap

 This drama has had two air dates. First time around it aired from November 14, 2015 to January 17, 2016 on Sohu in China and Naver in Korea as it was a joint production. There were twenty episodes that ran for fifteen minutes each.
 For the drama's second time around it aired from April 4th to April 25, 2018 on MBN. The episodes were combined into five shows at an hour each, those are the ones in the recaps. MBN is a cable network in Korea and the shows aired Wednesday nights at 11:00 pm.

Main Cast:

Jung Ii Woo as Choi Se-Hoon.... arrogant CEO of Choi Entertainment
Jin Se-Yun as Yoo Yi-Ryjung... 24 year old who lived in the mountains, soon to be an Idol(?)
Lee Si-Un as Heo.... Se-Hoon's daffy assistant
Moon Se-Yun as CEO Jang.... Se-Hoon's rival when it comes to signing Idols and actors
Yoon Bo-Ra as Min-Joo.... popular Idol woth Choi Entertainment, real life once a part of Sistar
Jung Sang-Hoon as Jong-Hyun.... Se-Hoon's only friend and his psychiatrist 
Tae Hang-Ho as 'The Beast Man'.... Yi-Ryung's neighbor from the mountains

 On to the exciting final episode though can't call it an exciting watch though another solid show. This one reprised the ending of episode four which took place in Yi-Ryung's new pad. She had invited
Se-Hoon over for a home cooked dinner which he absolutely loved and after the pair were hitting it off well as they're both finally getting more comfortable with each other. However the night was ruined thanks to one phone call, it happened to be Se-Hoon's rival in the entertainment industry Jang.
 It wasn't a long conversation as Yi-Ryung really didn't want to talk with him but just the fact that he called was enough to set off the hot tempered Se-Hoon. The pair had a mini vicious spat that ended with Se-Hoon storming away, these two have gone to the extremes in their relationship but they're officially not dating and after that spat may never will. It's hard to keep Yi-Ryung's spirits down for long and she readily agreed to drop by Min-Soo's party at a ritzy club.
 Yi-Ryung had been adjusting well to her new world after spending so much time in the mountains away from civilization. But not all is perfect as she dressed way too down for the gathering, however as you can see above the fashion conscious Min-Soo was able to doll her up quite a bit. Also at the party was Se-Hoon, when he saw Yi-Ryung having such a good time it seemed to set a fire off inside him. He visited the girl's table for a quick minute, what was really on his mind was how to make
Yi-Ryung either insanely jealous or even to make her burst into tears.
 When we first met Se-Hoon all the way back in the first episode we saw what kind of ruthless man he can be. When he wants something he gets it as nothing can or will stop him, that is until he met
Yi-Ryung who was the first person to refuse any offer from him. Seems he wanted some payback now and at the club he grabbed a woman he knew. Before long the pair were hugging while at her table Yi-Ryung was watching on in puzzlement, was this the man she deep down really loved?

 Don't think Se-Hoon ended up spending the night with the woman but being with her for just a few minutes was enough to repel Yi-Ryung away. Those above screenshots are from a meeting she had with the CEO Jang, she still doesn't want to be an Idol but always seems to be comfortable talking with him. Once again he pleaded with Yi-Ryung to sign with his agency which fell on deaf ears, being an Idol isn't in her plans but then again what exactly is Yi-Ryung going to do next?
 She's still helping out at her aunt's restaurant but that's just a short term gig, it was never mentioned in this episode but she must have been getting a bit homesick for the mountains and it's quiet life. During this stretch of the show Yi-Ryung began to cough and sneeze which was getting much worse as time went on. She was even having cold and heat flashes, just by looking at her face you knew something was wrong with her.
 Didn't turn out that way but I thought her being ill was going to turn into something serious such as some life threatening disease. That didn't happen but it would have thrown a nice twist in the story but then again it could have made for a sappy ending. But her illness was getting so bad that it eventually forced Yi-Ryung to admit herself into the emergency room. At the hospital she needed a guardian to sign her in, with no other person to turn to Yi-Ryung ended up calling Se-Hoon. He had been at home beating himself up for the way he had been treating Yi-Ryung, he wanted nothing more than to hear from her but wasn't expecting her to call from a hospital.

 With Se-Hoon on the scene everything worked out for the best. He was able to get Yi-Ryung the best private room at the hospital but his most impressive act happened in the emergency room. There a drunk had stumbled in and started to create a quite a loud scene, while this was taking place in her bed Yi-Ryung was pretending to sleep. Se-Hoon didn't realize it so he covered her ears to prevent her from waking up, Yi-Ryung knew what he was doing and her love for him seems to be growing so much deeper.
 But she's still so confused about Se-Hoon, one minute he's the most ruthless man on Earth and the next minute he's the kindest one. Yi-Ryung's illness wasn't all that serious, at first the doctors thought she may have had meningitis but luckily it wasn't the case. It was never said exactly what was wrong with her but it seems she just had a case of the flu. No matter how nicely Se-Hoon acts he always seems to wreck it in the end and that happened at the hospital.
 Se-Hoon paid her a visit though she wasn't in her room. Checking the grounds Se-Hoon found her talking with an intern and his jealousy once again got the better of him. Se-Hoon started to berate the intern but did back off after a while, when he looked at Yi-Ryung's expression he knew he had to calm down for once in his life and he ended up making the incident a slightly humorous one.
 The following day Yi-Ryung was discharged but left the hospital by herself, she's feeling so guilty about Se-Hoon paying for everything but doesn't know how to make it up to him. These two are kind of made for each other the way they keep drifting apart and then get back together. After Yi-Ryung left the hospital he made no effort to call her and the only time the pair met up was when Yi-Ryung had been trying to help Min-Soo recover from breaking up with her boyfriend. That's a no-no in Japan but is it okay for Korean Idol to date? Se-Hoon acted quite cold to her during that brief run in but the next day Yi-Ryung received a call from Min-Soo that could change her life.

 Forgot to add in one event that happened the night before Yi-Ryung was discharged from the hospital. The pair had a brief conversation after that incident with the intern, once again the two seem to be getting along so well together. But Se-Hoon did tell Yi-Ryung he was a bit disappointed in her, why doesn't she ever ask Se-Hoon what he really thinks of her? As he was leaving Yi-Ryung finally did ask that question, after hearing it Se-Hoon quickly dashed back and gave her a big smooch on the lips. Yi-Ryung was in total shock over that and ended up slapping Se-Hoon, he was in such a daze over that he stormed away and that's the main reason the two were cold towards each other.
 Back to that message from Min-Soo which was a text one, that's Yi-Ryung reading it in the above screenshot. As you can she's informed Yi-Ryung that Se-Hoon is going to be traveling to China, what wasn't there was that she said it was gong to be for a very long time. Yi-Ryung pondered over that message for a few moments, she realized that things with Se-Hoon couldn't end on the sour note that it did and knew she had to see him at least one more time.
 Though it was raining cats and dogs out there Yi-Ryung began to dash through the streets of Seoul, to his office I presume as she had begun to frantically call him with no results. As Yi-Ryung was running through the downpour a man had bumped into her which sent her phone flying into the the wet street. Without thinking or looking Yi-Ryung went onto the busy street to retrieve it, unknown to her a car was barreling down on top of her. But one person saw the impending doom, he quickly snatched her arm to draw her back.

 Of course her savior was none other than Se-Hoon who also was looking for her, he also didn't want things to end so badly for the two though really nothing has happened between them. He started to tear into Yi-Ryung for being so careless but not for long as she jumped into Se-Hoon's arms and quickly hugged him while finally saying that she likes him. The pair got into his car which somehow was just a few feet away, he announced some good news to Yi-Ryung that his trip to China was only going to be for three days. In his car was when the pair finally began admitting their feelings towards each other, Se-Hoon also finally blurted out that he really liked Yi-Ryung.
 Coming close to the end of the show and series. That video Yi-Ryung had made with the Monsta X group is becoming very popular, it's been playing so often that people around Seoul are beginning to recognize who Yi-Ryung is but nothing else on her becoming an Idol took place. There was a mini scandal that the CEO Jang had set up towards Se-Hoon to get back at him for setting up one of his own Idols. The scandal did make the papers and TV news but didn't go much further as Heo was able to smooth over any potential problems, we didn't see too much of him in this final show.
 Yi-Ryung is constantly by Se-Hoon's side these days but the show never really came to a fitting conclusion. The pair had been together watching as the scandal unfolded on TV but thanks to Heo it quickly went away. Yi-Ryung has an eternal smile on her face being around her first love and so doesn't Se-Hoon as the show ended with them strolling through a park. Have read a few viewers comment that the ending left the possibility of a second season as this one never really ended, did the pair ever officially get together and did Yi-Ryung ever attempt to become an Idol?

Can agree with what those commentors as I'd like to see a second season as there were so many lingering questions when the show ended but things like that are what makes good dramas even better. Usually not a fan of these semi serious romance series but this one was different as it wasn't fluffy at all and there was hardly any filler. Will give it a final rating of 8.5.10, solid show which is worth a view a two as I'll be watching it again.
 But my main reason or perhaps only one for watching this series was Se-Yun who didn't disappoint me at all. Thought her acting was fine though not an award winning performance but she did cement her position of being Nao's #1 beauty in history. What's up next is unknown at this point, will be viewing her "Item" drama soon as that ends next week and also have the final two recaps for the "Zambi" series coming up within the week. Thanks to anyone that read these recaps, I'm not the greatest reviewer but really enjoy Korean dramas and think the base for them here is growing.

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