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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Jin Se-Yun: "High End Crush" drama episode two recap

 This drama has had two air dates. First time around it aired from November 14, 2015 to January 17, 2016 on Sohu in China and Naver in Korea as it was a joint production. There were twenty episodes that ran for fifteen minutes each.
 For the drama's second time around it aired from April 4th to April 25, 2018 on MBN. The episodes were combined into five shows at an hour each, those are the ones in the recaps. MBN is a cable network in Korea and the shows aired Wednesday nights at 11:00 pm.

Main Cast:

Jung Ii Woo as Choi Se-Hoon.... arrogant CEO of Choi Entertainment
Jin Se-Yun as Yoo Yi-Ryjung... 24 year old who lived in the mountains, soon to be an Idol(?)
Lee Si-Un as Heo.... Se-Hoon's daffy assistant
Moon Se-Yun as CEO Jang.... Se-Hoon's rival when it comes to signing Idols and actors
Yoon Bo-Ra as Min-Joo.... popular Idol woth Choi Entertainment, real life once a part of Sistar
Jung Sang-Hoon as Jong-Hyun.... Se-Hoon's only friend and his psychiatrist 
Tae Hang-Ho as 'The Beast Man'.... Yi-Ryung's neighbor from the mountains

 Couldn't find a decent promo video for the remaining episodes so won't have any more at the top of a post. No need to rehash what's taken place as you can just read the above post so let's continue on from that scene I left you hanging on. After Se-Hoon had tried 'saving' Yi-Ryung from drowning in the small pond he himself had to be saved and Yi-Ryung ended up dragging Se-Hoon back to her house to recuperate. He had been passed out for over five hours and payback is a bitch as Yi-Ryung got her revenge for Se-Hoon seeing her naked in the first episode as she had to strip him of his clothes, may have been the first time any female had seen him bare.
 As mentioned in that first post Se-Hoon is a 100% city boy and wasn't used to the forest at all. Every little noise sets him off in a panic and he even thought he saw a snake in the room he was sleeping in. Yi-Ryung ended up tying a rope around Se-Hoon, one to let her know when he was in another state of panic but to also warn her if Se-Hoon trued to make any kind of 'encounter' with her during the night. Se-Hoon may be an arrogant jerk but he doesn't seem to be that type of guy and as I said in the first recap doesn't seem like he's ever been with a woman.
 At the top is a screenshot of Min-Joo who we haven't seen too often yet but think we will. She's one of Se-Hoon's most popular Idols and in real life had been a member of the Sistar K-Pop group. Right below her screenshot is one of Se-Hoon's goofy assistant Heo, along with the other staff they're wondering where is the CEO? Se-Yoon had never left the company hanging without a word for more than a few hours, now it's been almost two days since they've heard from him. The staff is actually enjoying his absence as Se-Hoon can be such a slave driver at the office.

 Se-Hoon's location has been the same for over a day as he's still at Yi-Ryung's house and he's showing no signs of leaving until she signs a contract with his entertainment company. He may have to be there until he grows old as Yi-Ryung wants no part of being an Idol, she still isn't sure what one is and as mentioned a few times has little idea of what happens in the world outside of her mountain. That one night has stretched into two and Se-Hoon has been following Yi-Ryung as she tends to her house duties which are numerous.
 She grows her own food and has so many other things to take care of to maintain her house and grounds. For now following around Yi-Ryung doesn't deter Se-Hoon who has never once been denied in his life, this is the first time he's had to work so hard to get someone to join his agency. However even Se-Hoon has a limit to his patience, he eventually got so tired of watching Yi-Ryung work that he took her advice and decided to leave her house. But Se-Hoon isn't going away for good, his plan is to go back to Seoul to regroup as he thinks an Idol like Yi-Ryung coming from a mountain could be the hottest act in Korea.
 Halfway back down the mountain Se-Hoon had a change of plans and thought one more try couldn't hurt. But as he neared Yi-Ryung's small house he noticed her talking with someone in her yard, not just anybody but a man! This man is still unnamed so will call him the Beast for now, that's how he's referred to in the credits. The Beast is just Yi-Ryung's neighbor and was bringing her some food, didn't matter what the reason was as it made Se-Hoon jealous and even more determined to woo
Yi-Ryung to his agency. For now this Beast character hasn't had an important role though have a feeling that may be changing.

 Right after that short scene Se-Hoon did leave the mountain again and this time there was no turning back as he headed to Seoul with his tail between his legs. His confidence is shattered and even though the actors and Idols in his agency are doing so well missing out on Yi-Ryung makes everything else meaningless. As mentioned in that first recap Se-Hoon's rival in the entertainment field, Jang, had first met Yi-Ryung when he was hiking in the mountains near her home. To Se-Hoon perhaps the reason for Yi-Ryung turning him down is that she's planning on signing with his agency, what a nightmare that would be to Se-Hoon who devises a way to avenge what's only in his mind.
 Se-Hoon set up a fake scandal for one of Jang's top Idols that involved one of his own actors. That actor is Ji-Won who seems to be such a popular star though we have seldom seen him in these first two shows. Se-Hoon set it up so Ji-Won was caught on a date with one of Jang's top Idols, for a male it's not much of a scandal but for a female Idol it's the kiss of death. Jang is naturally furious at his rival so all of his energies then had to be directed at making the scandal go away.
 Which is what Se-Hoon wanted to happen, this now should leave the path open to Yi-Ryung as Jang won't be able to see her plus the scandal may offend Yi-Ryung enough so that she wants nothing to do with Jang. With phase one of plan working out well Se-Hoon is trying to think of what his next step should be when he hears on the news about a devastating storm about to hit the Odaesan region. Knowing that Yi-Ryung has no radio or TV to hear about it Se-Hoon jumped into his vehicle and zoomed the two hours to her house hoping to be a hero.

 And in Yi-Ryung's eyes a hero is what Se-Hoon is as she had been trapped in her house with her faithful dog. Se-Hoon had to climb the mountain in the storm due to there being no road and when Yi-Ryung saw him at her front door she jumped right into his arms as he was her savior, that was a moment both wished had never happened. The storm had been so severe there was much damage to Yi-Ryung's tiny house, with no other options she traveled with Se-Hoon to Seoul. It wasn't how he imagined it would happen but Se-Hoon's plan to get Yi-Ryung to become an Idol is one step closer.
 Se-Hoon is a man of immense wealth and sets up Yi-Ryung in one of his posh apartments at no cost to her. Perhaps no cost to her at the moment but Se-Hoon is hoping that she'll be grateful enough for all he's done so that she'll sign a contract with Se-Hoon's entertainment agency. Yi-Ryung is still adamant about not signing any kind of contract, she is liking Se-Hoon much more but still doesn't fully trust him nor does she still know what being an Idol consists of.
 But to humor him for the time being Yi-Ryung does act a bit interested in learning a bit more of the Idol world and traveled with him to one of his studios. There's two acts of Se-Hoon's we've seen on occasion, especially the boy group but also a bit of Min-Joo from the girl's group. After three episodes the names of both groups haven't been revealed yet but both seem to be on the verge of hitting it big, seems as though Min-Joo is already quite popular. Yoon Bo-Ra is the K-Popper who plays Min-Joo on the show, in this series she's looked okay as a blond but have been checking other pics of her and she does look so much better in real life. She was a member of the K-Pop group Sistar who disbanded in 2017, think I may have to have a few intro posts for her.

 This will be the final segment, have been getting better at keeping these Korean drama recaps at a reasonable length. After watching some of Se-Hoon's trainees in action and being practically begged by him and Heo Yi-Ryung has reluctantly agreed to participate in a music video for the boy group. In that bottom screenshot is Yi-Ryung on the set of the video, she does look dazzling in everyone's eyes but is so stiff on camera and has no clue yet how an idol should act.
 On break from rehearsing Yi-Ryung headed out to the studio's roof for a break. Shortly after the group led by Min-Joo followed her out there, their plan was to 'welcome' Yi-Ryung into the Idol world but according to Heo it was actually going to be a meeting of bulling. When Se-Hoon heard that he rushed to the roof as he knew how brutal and competitive Idols can be but there was no need for him to rush to Yi-Ryung's aid.
 She was able to handle the situation like a pro and eventually turned the potential disaster around to a success. Yi-Ryung had complimented Min-Joo on her looks and growing popularity, she also said it to one of the other Idols and both stood there blushing away. But those Yi-Ryung's comments broke the ice and that scene ended with her becoming friends with Min-Joo and her troupe while Se-Hoon watched in awe from the wings. That final scene brought us to the conclusion of these first two recaps, no cliffhanger to end things off nor was there one in the next episode.

 Usually not a fan of these lighthearted romance dramas but this one is much better than the majority I've viewed. It can be a bit over the top at times but it's also been quite serious most of the time, through three episodes have to say I'm enjoying this show immensely. Does help that Se-Yun is in it, will have a few more posts for her coming up soon and she's right on the verge of being my current #1. As is my norm here's plenty of screenshots to hep everyone follow the story a bit better.

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