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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ayaka Miyoshi: A way, wayyyy overdue post!!!!

 Wayyyyy overdue is an understatement as this is her first post since last April. Don't point the finger at me as there's very few gals I'd like to post about more than Ayaka. She's never finished high on any list and that's all to do with her inactiveness for the past few years. There's been a few tidbits here and there since last April but very little, if Ayaka was as busy as some of the other actresses I post about she'd be in my current top five. Perhaps even top ten of all time as she is that attractive, have a strong feeling we'll be seeing much more of her for the next few months.

 Ayaka has had a few big roles in the past but never the lead one. However she will have her first starring role in the "Dance With Me" movie though it's not coming out until August. Looks to be a comedy and most of her roles in the past have been mainly serious ones.

 Ayaka used to appear at almost all of the huge fashion shows and very few times did any model look more sultry than she did on the catwalk. But Ayaka hasn't been at one for about a year, since she graduated from the Seventeen magazine in 2017 her appearances have slowed down. However she will be at the next 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show which takes place on March 30th. Hopefully can have a post for that appearance, here are some older TGC pics and she looked so fabulous at them!

 Think you need to be a model for a magazine to be invited to a show but she got a special invitation for her last two appearances. But Ayaka is now a model for Elle and these are some pics from their site, 'Girl' ones are from December while the rest are fairly new.

 Ayaka is also a model for '25ans Wedding' but they only publish 3-4 times a year but there's often new pics of her at their site. Top two pics are from their January issue and Ayaka often shares spreads with her best buddy, rest are form a special Winter '25ans Wedding' edition.

 EDIT: Almost forgot these new pics which are for Uniglo.

 That's that for the new pics, not a huge amount but have been dying to see anything new from Ayaka and as I mentioned we should be seeing much more of her this year. She has been active as an actress and model since she was thirteen so it's easy to see why she wanted a break, have noticed that's been a trend recently with many other younger actresses. Will end off with some flawless Ayaka pics for those who don't know her too well, she'll be turning 23 in June. After the pics check out a short but highly recommended video that features some clips from a few TGC shows.

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