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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Nana Yamada: "Nanairo" photobook outtake pics part one

 Quite often take Saturdays off from posting as it's become the slowest day for happenings. No new mag spreads, single/album releases and not nearly as many events as there once were take place on this day. So have thought ahead for occasions like this and have a mini 'cache' of things to post during slow days but actually the past week has been a bit slowish.
 However that's not the reason for today's post as this would have been done by the end of the month as I can't get enough of Nana recently and may like her more now than when she was in NMB. Do have more older things of Nana I'll be getting to and mentioned that in her last post. Have her 2016 calendar which was never posted, realize the dates may not mean much but there are 25 or so fabulous pics all fans will enjoy. Plus will have a part two of outtake pics from this photobook which was Nana's second one and was released on August 10, 2016. Surprisingly she just had one PB when she was with NMB, this was released over a year after her graduation.

 The above are pics from the PB and there was a post for them at the end of 2016, here's a few more from this incredible book.

 Also have a few other Nana oldie happenings planned such as things about her "Mustard Chocolate" movie, perhaps there's some missed oldie mag spreads plus will have any current activities. Nana's first PB was released in April 2015 when she graduated from NMB, the pics in it were superb but 1/3 of the book were devoted to her NMB history.
 That book sold okay as it was #2 on the Oricon charts it's first week out, have no clue if this PB was as successful. On to the pics and though "Nanairo" was one of the best photobooks from the past five years these outtake pics are somehow much better. Didn't realize it for a long time but she had set up Instagram and Twitter pages for the book which where these are from. The photo shoot was done in Bali, Indonesia during the Spring of 2016, sadly Nana hasn't had one since this and hope that means it's not her final one.
 Nana still releases yearly calendars so she does have many fans still out there though none may be bigger than me as she could be the hottest '48' member of all time. As the title says this is part one and will have the second batch of exhilarating pics coming up soon. Perhaps even tomorrow if there still aren't any new activities from any of my faves, enjoy these pics and know all will.

1 comment:

  1. Really good posts of Nana PB, she makes one's day a happy day.
