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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jin Se-Yun: "High End Crush" drama episode three recap

 This drama has had two air dates. First time around it aired from November 14, 2015 to January 17, 2016 on Sohu in China and Naver in Korea as it was a joint production. There were twenty episodes that ran for fifteen minutes each.
 For the drama's second time around it aired from April 4th to April 25, 2018 on MBN. The episodes were combined into five shows at an hour each, those are the ones in the recaps. MBN is a cable network in Korea and the shows aired Wednesday nights at 11:00 pm.

Main Cast:

Jung Ii Woo as Choi Se-Hoon.... arrogant CEO of Choi Entertainment
Jin Se-Yun as Yoo Yi-Ryjung... 24 year old who lived in the mountains, soon to be an Idol(?)
Lee Si-Un as Heo.... Se-Hoon's daffy assistant
Moon Se-Yun as CEO Jang.... Se-Hoon's rival when it comes to signing Idols and actors
Yoon Bo-Ra as Min-Joo.... popular Idol woth Choi Entertainment, real life once a part of Sistar
Jung Sang-Hoon as Jong-Hyun.... Se-Hoon's only friend and his psychiatrist 
Tae Hang-Ho as 'The Beast Man'.... Yi-Ryung's neighbor from the mountains

 You wouldn't know from reading these final three recaps but am taking my time writing them up. Figure this series aired a while ago so time isn't of the essence plus still can't attract more than a core group of K-drama fans, so many others don't realize what they've been missing. Won't rehash too much of what happened as you can read about those events in the two prior posts but will give a very quickie rundown on where this show stands.
 Yi-Ryung is a 24 year old woman living by herself on a remote mountain in the Odaesan region. One day, for no apparent reason, she had been in Seoul where she had prevented a kidnapping. It wasn't one but the incident did involve an Idol and her manager, once the manager saw Yi-Ryung he knew she had the potential to be a huge Idol. So didn't his main boss Se-Hoon who kept trying to get the mountain 'hick' to sign a contract with his agency, she refused and headed back to her home. Se-Hoon had learned a huge storm was going to hit the area and rushed there to bring Yi-Ryung back to safety in Seoul and put her up in one of his ritzy apartments. She still won't sign a contract but did volunteer to appear in a video for one of Se-Hoon's boy groups. That's about 10% of what's happened but if you had forgotten most details that should jog your memory a bit.
 The middle screenshot is of Se-Hoon having an impromptu and intense meeting with his rival Jang who runs another Idol agency. Se-Hoon had devised a scandal involving one of Jang's more popular gals and the incident may destroy her career, that scandal was done to get Jang off the trail of
Yi-Ryung as he also knew her and had eyes on signing her. Se-Hoon made the offer to buy the disgraced Idol from Jang who quickly agreed but losing her hurts him more in the end run.
 Long intro to start off with but that's mainly because of the quickie rehash of the first two shows. That bottom screenshot features the utterly adorable Yi-Ryung who is with Se-Hoon's most popular girl Idol Min-Soo. At first it didn't appear the two would get along and Min-Soo had originally wanted to bully Yi-Ryung severely but like everyone else fell for Yi-Ryung's naive ways. Now the two have become friends and Min-Soo has been dragging her out to the hot Seoul clubs every night. Yi-Ryung has quickly adapted to the modern world and is actually becoming very interested in Idols though she still refuses to sigh a contract.

 Yi-Ryung has learning the way of the modern world quickly but not quick enough for Se-Hoon. He had left a tablet in her apartment and was teaching her how to communicate with someone via it. As the pair were conversing there was a knock at Yi-Ryung's door, she told Se-Hoon that and ended their conversation. While he was still connected to the tablet in Yi-Ryung's apartment it had fallen to the floor, thinking the worst Se-Hoon immediately rushed over there but there was no need to as
Yi-Ryung was safe and sound. But the incident still made Se-Hoon quite irate with her, he scolded Yi-Ryung for her 'hick' ways as she was now living in Seoul and should never answer the door to a random knock. Though he did tear into her it was mainly because Se-Hoon does care so much for
Yi-Ryung but has zero experience when it comes to relationships.
 Didn't learn it until the next episode but the name of the boy group we see very often is 'Monsta X'. Yi-Ryung has promised as a payback for Se-Hoon to appear in their next video, all she really needs to do is sit in a chair while the members sing to her while also dancing around. But something as seemingly as simple as that is such a challenge to Yi-Ryung who just can't get the correct facial expressions. The boy's dance coach tries to help Yi-Ryung out, most of the advice goes over her head until she hears a suggestion about a man. That did the trick as while Yi-Ryung didn't tell anyone the man in her mind was Se-Hoon, she's really falling for him yet still has some reservations about the type of person he really is.

 Jang is still looking for revenge against Se-Hoon for setting up the scandal that ruined the career of his top Idol, no news of what happened to her now that she's joined Se-Hoon's agency. What better way to get back at him than stealing what could be his biggest find yet, Yi-Ryung. Her 'Beast' friend from the mountains has been staying in Seoul and working for Jang who says he can make him into a popular celebrity. That was all a lie as Jang just wanted the Beast to somehow corral Yi-Ryung into joining his agency and he's had the Beast following her around.
 When the Beast, his true name still hasn't been revealed, set up a lunch date with Yi-Ryung she readily agreed but to her surprise who should be there but Jang. She knows him slightly from when she helped Jang out when he was lost in the mountains near her home but she also has zero plans to sign with his agency to become an Idol. Before he could get into his spiel about why she should join forces with him who should arrive at the cafe than Se-Hoon.
 He had set up cameras outside of Yi-Ryung's apartment, not for spying on her but to make sure she remained safe. He saw the Beast visiting her and tracked his movements after that which led him to the cafe. If he can't have Yi-Ryung than no one can and especially Jang as the lunch where they ended up eating zero was a loss for both as Yi-Ryung has remained adamant about not becoming an Idol. As mentioned in the previous posts no person has ever said no to Se-Hoon and he still can't understand why Yi-Ryung doesn't want to be a wealthy Idol. He's continuing his fight to change her mind but he's slowly coming to the point of giving up for a while.

 Haven't mentioned the above man but you have seen  him in many screenshots though his role hasn't been too important to date. He's Hyun who is a friend of Se-Hoon's and is also a psychiatrist, in every show Se-Hoon consults him for advice but so far none has helped and especially for getting to know Yi-Ryung better. But she had promised to be in the video for Monsta X's next single, Yi-Ryung will still do that but after she's thinking of leaving Seoul again after it but has kept that to her self.
 As Yi-Ryung is in the studio with the group making the video Se-Hoon has called a conference with his top assistant Heo. Seems when these two get together for one of these pow-wows some huge event takes place after and the whole agency, staff and Idols, are waiting patiently to see what big plans will arise from the conference. It still hadn't ended when the show did, many tried to peek in to see what was happening but were quickly shooed away by the pair.
 What they were really discussing was Yi-Ryung, part of the meeting was for getting her to join the agency while most of it was to help Se-Hoon corral Yi-Ryung for himself though he still can't admit he's fallen head over heels for her to anyone. After such struggles with having the perfect face in the video Yi-Ryung has finally come around and plays her role in it faultless. And faultless is how
Yi-Ryung looked in the video as you can see below, she did have fun being in it and is still so curious about the Idol industry but is it enough to make her want to become one? For now that's unknown as this third episode closed with that video scene.

 Shortest recap to date but think it's the perfect length for an hour show, hope I can continue to do it for the next two posts and any other dramas I recap. The final two shows are below this post and it is taking me a while to write these up, not the writing part but finding time as I've really been on a drama kick lately and have been watching so many of them. As of now have watched the fourth show but not the final one so still slightly in the dark how this series will end.

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