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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, January 31, 2020

Nogizaka46: Their third 'A little bit of this and that' post for 2020....

 Did promise to do do a Mai post for today but being incapacitated for almost three days threw me off schedule a bit but I guarantee she'll have a post this weekend. Lot of photobook talk to begin things off with but thought I'd have a few pics of Kazumi at the top. There's probably been forty or so Nogi books and to me her first one that came out in 2016 was their most underrated one and I'd have it in my top five fave Nogi books.
 Mizuki's first PB came out on the 21st and think it's Nogi's first book since the end of June, hard to believe seven months went by without a photobook. Of course it topped the charts and in it's first week out it sold 106,000 copies which I think was the expectation. Sure it'll be #1 for at least one more week but there's two other members with books coming out.

 One PB is supposed to be for Miona but what's the story with it!? Back in September it was announced that her second photobook would be coming out in early 2020 and that's not going to happen. There's been zero news of it and there were a few promo pics for it so the book has been finished(?) you would think so I really can't understand why they've pushed it back twice, once for the above book....
 .... and the second time for Nogi's next PB. That'll be Yuki's second photobook and it'll be coming out on March 10th which means Miona's book may not be coming out until late April and can't understand why that is. Nothing against Yuki who I've come to like more and she has become a decent looking gal but couldn't her book have been Nogi's third one of the year?

 One member who has never had a PB and never will is the Undergirl Kotoko. She announced her graduation over a week ago and it'll be taking place towards the end of March. I've always liked her and she is one attractive young woman but at times was just too quiet on their variety shows which definitely hurt her chances of being a Senbtasu member. She does have a popular radio show and for the next two months will try to add in some tidbits about her in these group posts.

 Here's something interesting which is that on February 10th Nogi will be on a special TBS music program that will be looking at all of the groups that have had million selling singles in Japan. Think Nogi has had five to date, probably more and to date 291 singles have hit that mark. Mai and Manatsu were at an event Tuesday to promote it. Also in one of the pics is Yuki Uchida who finished fifth on my all time faves list, she's still looking oki doki and will be working on a post for her.

 There was another event that took place on Monday with a quintet of members. The group were appointed as ambassadors of the 'Hawa Blood Donation Campaign', it works with the Japanese Red Cross and Nogi has done some promoting for them in the past too. There's a video for the campaign which came out the following day and will see if it's on YT. Try not to have solo pics for the younger members but have some fine ones here for Asuka and the always sultry Minami.

 Not many recent spreads and had expected that would be the case for the next few weeks. But do have a pair of them which are a bit too small and it does seem the pics are more conservative than ever though they're still all fine. This too small set is from from the new issue of TV Navi which is volume 35 which is promoting their new drama, more on that at the very bottom.

 This set is from volume 30 of TV Life and it features Erika who we rarely see these days. She's always busy with stage plays but doesn't do enough Nogi activities, with this rash of graduations the past few months is her departure becoming closer?

 Have one more thing after this but is the last batch of regular pics. Started off with Kazumi so may as well end off with her and to me these pics from the With Online site are the top ones of the day, she's always been such a beauty to me but even more so these days. Bottom pic is from their February issue, actually all are but the ones from the site are better as there's no graphics on the pics.

 Nogi has a new drama that began January 21st on the FOD network called 'Nogizaka Cinema- Story of 46'. It's a ten episode series which will feature a different story and member for each show, the second episode starred Manatsu. It's being subbed by Beam Subs so will be recapping most of the shows as long as a fave of mine is in it, will start on that next week.
 But here's a brief recap of the first episode which starred Asuka who played the character of Mitra. The first show really reminded me of the 'Dead or Alive 3" film which was so terrific. It seemed it was set in a future society where humans and a humanoids called Cormarants coexist. Nitra is a doll designer who has fallen into such a slump, meanwhile there's riots and protests going on in the world and it appears she may slowly get sucked into the action, her somewhat boyfriend is a army soldier protecting society. More details in the full recap but I enjoyed this first show and by looking at which ten members will be appearing in the series looks like every episode will be subbed. Don't know why but the CM for that blood donation campaign isn't on YT however there is a short video of the event which will probably be deleted, it's after these screenshots.