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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Maria Makino: Her second intro post.... H!P Digital Books #205 from July scans


 Still think she looks so much like Erika Toda did when she was in her young twenties.... but as that scorching top pic shows just from the shoulders up!!!!! Last year had it's up and downs but all in all think it ended up being a decent year, not as many posts but for the most part they were much larger than ones in the past. There was one major disappointment and am not talking about all of the Idol(Nogi) graduations. Without any warning at the end of last September there was a message at the Hello Project site/store saying this monthly digital book series would end, no reasons were given.

 That really bummed me out and this is the 86th post for those books. So issue #207 was the final one last September and the monthly series had been going on since 2004. What these pictorials often featured were outtake pics from a Hello Project member's previous photobook and the sets were usually better than most photobooks! Couldn't have cost much to have the books each month as the pics were already taken, they were nice promotions for photobooks and also for the groups. So that's such a shame that the series ended after seventeen years and no other J-Pop group has had any thing like this, to me a series like this is a win-win for fans and management. Not sure but think this just may be the final post I'll have for this long running series, two more came out after this one but have been posted.

 Maria's first intro post was for her #204 pictorial and that was done just three days ago. Had a strong feeling she would be very popular here and that prediction was true as that post has garnered so many views already which is one reason I'm having this post so soon. Maria's next post will be for some current happenings, her eighth(!) photobook came out two weeks ago so there's been some mag spreads and such promoting it, will have that post within the week. Then will have some posts for her 2021 activities and she does more outside work than most Hello Project members. Will have more bio info too but one tidbit is that Maria is kind of tall for a H!P member as her height is 165 cm or 65 inches, she just may be the tallest current Hello Project member unless someone from Juice=Juice tops her. But very few can top the way Maria looks, just one Morning Musume member in my eyes and these pics should prove that. There's a total of 95 pics in this set for her now huge fan base to enjoy....

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