Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Friday, February 4, 2022
Hinatazaka46: The slightly belated.... Happy 24th Birthday to.... Shiho Kato!!!!
Only two dates late and there's been other times it's been much worse than that! Will admit I forgot all about the day and didn't realize it happened until today when I was visiting the Hina group blog, noticed there were some birthday pics there and said.... Oooooops!!!! So this is a very quickly done post, good amount of pics but wish there were more. But then again for some reason Shiho is just so difficult to have solo posts for, always seems like she has a vast amount of pics but that's oddly not the case. There's probably no current Idol who I'd like to have more solo posts for but it rarely works out but she did have a pair of posts in November. Next month the fourth Hina member solo photobook will be coming out and I really thought Shiho would have been the member to have it. That sadly wasn't the case and she's one of Hina's most popular members so was surprised there was no book for her but there is a long way to go in the year.
Sure fans of the three '46' groups have noticed there's been a huge decrease in posts save for the two Nogi members who have had recent photobooks. There's been very few things going on with members of the three groups and that's shocking for Hina who have been the busiest J-Pop group the last three years. As a matter of fact just occurred to me that February is the third anniversary of when they broke away from Keya and changed their name from Hiragana46. Been trying to have a few posts for my faves from the groups but can't quite finish any of them but that also means you may be seeing many very shortly. Except for Keya and of all three groups they continue to be the quietest of all, what's really disappointing is that one of my all time fave Idols from them will be graduating yet not a peep has been heard from her so far this year.
But this is Shiho's day though two days late and I really like her immensely but she's not my top Hina member. However on their 'Aimashou' variety show she's the most fun and interesting member of all of them, she does host a radio show but I'd like to see her do something on TV. Speaking of TV Shiho wasn't on Hina's last drama "Koeharu" which was very enjoyable. There hasn't been a '46' group drama since then and hope this quiet period means Hina may be filming one for the Spring!? My second fave drama from the three groups was "Re:Mind" that aired in late 2017 and that was one intense, creepy series. It only featured the first generation members, it lasted for twelve episodes and near the end of the eighth show Shiho's character was 'killed off'. They used their real names in the drama and she didn't have much dialogue for the first half of the series as everyone was under the impression Shiho couldn't talk which was a ruse on her part.
There have been so few events lately in Japan and even a few concerts have been cancelled or will just be streamed live. But on March 21st the Spring 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show will be held and the two that took place in 2021 weren't held in front of an audience and just streamed. Shiho always makes an appearance at those shows along with about ten other Hina members, hope the upcoming one still takes place. This small batch is from the TGC Autumn show held in September 2019.
Some recent pics from her Hina blog and as you can see many are for her 24th birthday.
That series for 'Uni's on Air' promo game pics is now complete and that was kind of a savior as things were so slow for such a long period of time, actually the slowness continues. Did Shiho's post for that series way back in November and it contained 88 pics for the web game. Have some new ones for today, top four are for her birthday while the others are for January.
Shiho will be celebrating her third anniversary as a CanCam model this month. Her pics from them are a bit classy and always superb but sometimes there's stretches when there's so few new pics from them. Five pics here from their March issue while the others are from their December edition.
Will end off with some super duper CanCam pics that have come out in the last two months, would like to see another site/magazine sign her as a model. Shiho hosted 'Showroom' two days ago to celebrate her birthday, those shows are a bit too long but she is very entertaining and the video from it is after the pics.
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