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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Hinako Kitano: Her torrid stretch of torrid posts may be sadly coming to an end, sigh....


 Hmmm, not sure why but the word balloons pops into my head viewing those two above pics! 😅 Which are from Hinako's second photobook that came out nine days ago. I do have the book but it's going to be a while until the whole thing is posted. Have a rule where I wait at least two months before posting all of the pics from a regular photobook as not to affect sales, so was thinking right around Hinako's April graduation but the exact date hasn't been set yet. But most of the really best pics have already been posted and it's odd many of the promo pics weren't outtakes but from the actual book. One other note is the sales figures came out a few hours ago, of course it was #1 on the weekly charts but sales were only 33,047 copies sold. That's kind of disappointing to me considering all of the sweltering pics to promote the book, I was expecting ~50,000 in sales. Of course it's only one week so sales could get up to 70,000 or so which is still way too low for how terrific this book is, her first book sold 32,200 copies in it's first week with less promoting. Know sales for books have been way down this past year or so but still expected sales to be much higher.

 That above is one pic you hadn't seen from the book, the top pics in this book could be the best ever from a Nogi photobook. So hopefully this book will show some 'legs' and be a solid seller for the next month or so, Hinako's first PB has sold about 62,000 copies. Have noticed many Nogi books have sold 40,000+ copies after it's first week out and let's hope this one will too. But last year there were two solo books for Hina members, they sold 84,200 and 121,800 copies in their first weeks so are those members now a bit more popular than the ones from Nogi? So as the title says this could be the last of this torrid streak of posts, there's been seven in the last 38 days and that must be some sort of record. Nogi's next single will be coming out in five weeks but Hinako said she didn't want to appear on it so that could mean we may not hear too much from her until April when she graduates.

 There's been so many scantly clad pics in these seven recent posts but they're not the reason Hinako has been such a massive fave of mine though they do help! I've liked her for so long and it was well before we saw any gravure pics, her first ones came out in December 2018 for photobook #1. But to me her regular pics are also mighty fabulous and hope a few others agree.

 Was thinking about having a 'pairs post' for this hard to top duo but discovered there was one done back in 2020 for them, haven't done a Nogi pair's post in eons....

 Another kind of post that hasn't been done in ages is a group one for the second generation members. Their numbers have dwindled down to three which is the main reason for that but in March will try to have a post for those gals who are from my fave generation, they'll be an upcoming Anan spread and two pics from it.

 Here's some brand new Hinako pics for the Nogi Fes' series and wonder if there will be any kind of cards for her graduation?

 Getting close to having all of Hinako's Nogi monthly cards posted, two more months to go but there are some special cards to get to also.

 Last April Hinako opened her own Instagram page and for a while had so many terrific pics. But won't have any for today as she's really slowed down on posting them which is surprising seeing as she just had a photobook come out. On February 7th she hosted 'Showroom' to promote the book, did post that video and have another as she was also the host for the February 8th show: Showroom video

 Also have the link to another recent interview which was with the Real Sound site, mainly talked about the book and am so curious what she wants to do after graduating: Real Sound interview

 One new mag spread that's from the March 1st issue of Flash, some pics are from the book.

 This should be the final batch of promo pics for Hinako's new photobook, third pic is my fave and it's been seen before but this one is a different version.... bottom pic is also quite super duper!!!!

 We've hit the end and this is Hinako's 26th solo post, hopefully #27 won't be too far in the future and am I going to miss her when she leaves Nogi. Will end off with an encore viewing of some of the promo pics from the book, the photo shoot took place in Kagoshima and that bottom pic is too perfect to believe!!!! Besides those 'Showroom' videos there's been no new ones for a while and just one time would love to see a video from one of the member's photo shoots. Almost forgot, this weekend the fourth 'Nogizaka 46 Hours' TV special will be airing and those are entertaining shows so will have some posts for some segments when they get subbed. Speaking of videos for photo shoots have a short one of Hinako after the pics that came out in July from BLT Graph.

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