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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Nao Kanzaki: Thanks for 18 Million Views(!)..... and yet another new record was set....


 There's a pair of faves who are overdue for posts but not much I can do about it. Usually have some sort of theme when I do these 'Thank You' posts, most of the time it's some sort of list(s) but nothing for today so will need to wing this off the top of my head. As the title mentions yet another record was set and in all honesty that blows my tiny mind away. When record is mentioned it's how many days it takes to get a million views. This is now the eighth time in 3 1/2 years a new record has been set, the last time was on November 6th. Then the new record was 100 days and felt there was a zero chance that could be topped(lowered). But once again I was mistaken and that new record was set sometime over the night of the ninth, the new record is the hard to fathom.... 95 days!!!! So have to once gain give a huge thanks to all of you viewers for visiting here, it's been a struggle the last few months doing posts for some of my bigger faves but must be doing something right to get so many visits. The total is now up to 18 million views and never had any kind of goal when this blog began, in all honesty didn't think I would be here over ten years later.  One wish would be to have even just a penny for every view which would be $180,000, then again a wish I'd rather have is.....

 Hinako just may have set a record herself with five posts for new happenings in 28 days, sadly her next one probably won't be until late next week. So once again have to give a huge Thank You for you viewers who keep visiting this humble site and I really have no clue how much longer I'll continue this, could be until the end of the year or maybe ten years from now? Know viewers like stats as those list posts for averages and most popular posts always draw a lot of views. The numbers have certainly changed over the years but not the country as Japan is by far the place that has the most views, really popular in SE Asia too along with the USA. Took that top screenshot early this morning so the record was probably set around 4:00 am EST.

 So seeing as there was no 'theme' for this post save for thanking everyone for another record which will probably never be broken will use this for a bit of rambling and for what will be coming up. Just did the yearly list less than two months ago along with all a few other lists for what the most popular things were here in 2021. So too early in the year to have any of those kinds of posts, June will have a few posts for the first half of the year. But think there will be two others before that, one will be in March for who the most popular women have been here over the last three or perhaps four years. Have done about four of them in the past but I'm getting curious to see if there's been any major changes. There should be as these days Yuki is now the biggest fave of most visitors but if you look at the last four years could it be someone else?

 She could be in the running for being this year's #1 and hope there's enough faves who qualify so there can be a regular countdown. The other list would be done in April and it'd be the second edition of my 'Top Photobooks of All Time'. Did the first list in December 2020 and that's been by far the most popular list post that's ever been done. But things change in fourteen months, that first list had my top ten but for the second one will increase it to sixteen. One other list will start in July which will be my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. By then four years would have elapsed since the first list was done and while many from that will still be on the second list there will be quite a few changes. May sound hard to believe but my #1 of all time still has an excellent chance of keeping that title. Belated birthday for Saki too as she turned 28 four days ago.

 My biggest disappointment over the last four or so months has been the lack of Keya posts. At one time they were close to being my fave current J-Pop group but that'll never happen now. So have never had the chance to talk about Risa and can't believe how quiet she's been too since September. Three weeks ago she announced her graduation which will probably take place in May. She is right there as far as all time faves go and still think she's the most attractive gal I post about. So of course I'm a but bummed out about Risa leaving but then again if she's going to remain in Keya and do virtually zero guess graduating makes sense, only one post for new happenings in the last four months.

 Final bit, didn't want to make this a long post and it was mainly to thank everyone for a new record and to make you aware of a few upcoming things. The age to be introduced here is 22 and there's been a huge decrease in newbies this past year. But will have someone new next week, she's a gal I like quite a bit but won't be turning 22 for another three days. The actual cutoff date to be introduced is August 29, 2000 which is Minami's birth date. But there is someone I've really liked from Morning Musume the last year or so and that's Maria. She turned 21 a week ago but with that date cutoff does that mean she'll never have posts here? That's a good question and luckily have time to think that date over as I bet she would be immensely popular here.

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