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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, November 21, 2022

Keyakizaka46: Their exalted sixteenth post for 2022....


 That's Hono leading us off and haven't mentioned her name in a while. Do prefer doing solo posts for certain members and she's one of them though there hasn't been all that much going on with her the last few months. Actually there hasn't been too many things going for many as this is the first group post in almost six weeks. So while it's just their sixteenth post of the year bet there's been over fifty solo posts so all in all this has been their busiest year since 2019. However a few members have been busy such as Yui who has had six posts in the last two months, mainly because of her second photobook and she has an excellent chance of being my #1 fave of the year. The other member who we have seen quite a bit of lately is Yuuka but for the wrong reasons! One reason is good and that's also because she just released a second photobook. Sadly it was for her graduation and think so many fans are going to miss her. Have had three recent posts for her and may do another for her November 29th birthday.

 That bottom pic above is from her November 9th graduation concert. There's six members in the photo who are the remaining first generation members, sadly that total is now down to five! One reason its been a bit of a slowish period is that Keya was on tour and probably don't do much else while on the road. But Yuuka's final concert was also the final one for the tour so hope we begin seeing much more of the members. So while it hasn't been all that busy the last two months because of the tour this is a huge post at over 120 pics and will try to have another before the month is out.

 Been a while since a Rena post too and has she become immensely popular here!!!! Not positive but think she'll be fifth on this year's faves list so that's when her next solo post will be happening and hope she has some new pics for that. For this post's new pics let's begin off with Mizuho who is now the group's second oldest member as shell be turning 26 next July, will have a mini feature for Keya's oldest gal and these are some recent pics from the Classy site.

 Few more new pics which are from Saturday's 'Tokyo Girl Collection' show that was held in Kitakyushu, will have to say that Mizuho's looks have improved more than any other member the last two or so years. 

 Try to have pics in these group posts for members who don't get enough attention. One of them is Minami who to me is Keya's all time cutest member, she's really popular with you viewers but sadly it's become impossible to have solo posts for her the last year. On November 14th she celebrated her 24th birthday, have some new 'Uni's on Air' game pics for that and also some new pics for November.

 Hikaru is someone who you see often in these group posts and over the last few months I've really come to like her quite a bit. Not many new pics for today but she is a model for the ar magazine and she had two page spreads in their November and December issues.

 Can't recall if this was in the last group post as it was so long ago. But even if it was this spread is pretty darn good and deserves an encore viewing, it features Marino from the November issue of Entame and we really need an increase in magazine spreads for the members.

 Have some more new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. There's a trio of members with four pics each who are Rei, Yui T. and Karin. As you can see the theme for the month is Autumn and like last year may do posts for many member's game pics for 2022.

 So as mentioned try to have some pics of those members who seldom have them. There's one member who I've really liked over the years but am so curious about her as she's so quiet and shy. That's Rina Uemura, on January 4th she'll be hitting the age of 26 and is now Keya's oldest member. So thought about having a little feature for her today and have 32 pics, not sure if she's ever had a solo post and if not let me work on one. Would probably have her 'Uni's' pics from this year and perhaps some Keya cards too but she hasn't had many things this year which is one reason for not including her in these posts. First are some group cards and all have come out since August.

 At 153 cm Rina is the shortest first generation member but not the all time shortest Keya gal. She still posts pics the group's 'Diary' blog and does have quite a few of them. The problem is it seems 85%+ of them are with other members and she seldom posts pics just of her, these are some recent ones.

 Rina has had about seven solo magazine spreads but none since early 2021, can't recall her even being in a mag this year with other members. So let's go wayyyyy back in time and think this was her first ever solo spread which is from the May 2017 issue of UTB, she's really changed over the years.

 This is the first time I've had a mini special feature for a member in a group post. Think this worked out well and will have many more of them in the future. Last up for this feature is another oldish spread that's from the May 2020 issue of EX-Taishu, Rina hails from Chiba which isn't far from Tokyo so it's kind of surprising she's the only current member from there.

 Not doing group post on a consistent basis means you can fall behind on some things. Such as Keya's 'Soko' variety show, I'm six episodes behind but then again the subbing team is four behind so guess it doesn't matter all that much. As usual will make the recap a mini one and let the screenshots explain most of what took place. There's 56 of them and they go in order of the action. Also as usual this is a two part 'challenge' so will have the conclusion in the next group post and vow not to make it too far in the future. Theme for the 'challenge' is "Autumn Artistic Sense Check!" and to my surprise it's the first time they've ever had this competition.

 There were three segments in this show, not sure if there will be a grand winner in the next episode. First off was a Memory Test where the members had to draw something common from memory. We didn't see everyone's drawings and sure those members will have more screen time in the next show. For the most part didn't think the Keya gals were as good as I thought they would be at drawing, good thing they have day jobs!!!! First drawing was to do a picture of the star pitcher/hitter Ohtani and while the drawings were decent not many looked like him. What I did notice in this show was that by far Hikaru is Keya's top artist and she was impressive as the members didn't have all that long to come up with a quick sketch. Mizuho was decent too but in a different way as her drawings were a bit on the odd side which did make them more interesting. Second up was to draw a picture of a pole vaulter and this is where the members really struggled as you can see in the screenshots. Just had that feature on Rina so hate to say it but she's by far the group's worst artist! Up last for part one was to draw a picture of the co-host Sawabe and in all honesty none were worth bragging about.

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