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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Nogizaka46: The totally unexpected first post for.... Saya Kanagawa!!!!


 Bet no one in the universe thought there would ever be another intro post for a Nogi member, count me as being #1 on that list! On occasion do have to make exceptions to rules, one I had was that there would never be a solo post for a fourth generation member. Well there is now and odds are good there will never be another intro post for a 4G gal but there is a very, very small chance of there being one other. I've had my eye on Saya for many months and to me she looks so overly tremendous!

 Last weekend she was at an event and while there aren't a huge amount of pics they're so terrific knew it was time for this post. For a while now have been banging my head against the wall(more than usual) thinking who does Saya remind me of so much? Today finally figured that out and its the ex-HKT member Madoka Moriyasu. They look so much alike and she's had seven posts though none for a while but now that her name has been brought up you may see two posts next month!

 In one of Saya's upcoming posts will have some comparison pics, really the only difference is their ages. So I'm expecting to have two or perhaps even three more posts for 2022 happenings. Saya has become a busy woman so am hoping she may be able to have a post every six or so weeks, in another year she just may be the only Nogi member with posts! Guess I like taller, thin woman as her height is 165 cm, on this year's faves list there's at least eight who are 164 cm or taller. If there's one reason Saya's posts won't be popular is that she has zero gravure photos and to me there's nothing wrong with that. The only time you see '46' members scantly clad is when they're releasing a photobook, would be slightly surprised if she ever had one.

 More bio and other tidbits as we go along with these posts but she's just the second Nogi member to hail from Hokkaido. The good thing about Nogi posts is that there's a lot of variety to them and Saya's next few posts should be like this one with over sixty pics. Lets begin off with some Nogi cards which are from September.

 If you view Saya's pics from two years ago you'll notice she was just kind of average looking, not bad but certainly not the looks of a model. But in the last year she's really blossomed and what a stunning(to me) woman she's become! Exactly a month ago on her 21st birthday she opened her own IG page so these are most of the pics she's posted since then which are actually quite a few.

 In April 2020 Saya became a model for the Ray magazine, will hold off on her 2022 spreads for now and have them in her next few posts. But these pics are recent ones from their site and if you ask me these are the top Nogi modeling pics of the year!

 Will have one superb spread for today that's from the September 16th issue of Young Gangan.

 Will end off with this batch of pics which are so stupendous and just wish there were more of them! Last Saturday which, was November 19th, Saya was at the Autumn/Winter 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that was held in Kitakyushu. She took her stroll on the Retro Girl stage and am I the only one who was mesmerized by these pics?! She's been at a few other fashion shows this year and will have those pics in upcoming posts. After the pics you can check out her short promo video for Nogi's 27th single "Gomen no Fingers Crossed", that came out in April 2021. Haven't Saya's looks really changed and have often said how much better a woman looks the older they get.

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