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Monday, November 28, 2022

Madoka Moriyasu: Her blistering "Beautiful Monologue" digital photobook plus more....


 This was definitely inspired by the below post though not entirely. Was going to post this book back in May, also thought about having another post in March and yet at least one other last year. But at the times was thinking does anyone really remember who Madoka is and would they want at least a trio of posts for her? Try not to think that way and mainly post about the women who I really like, she certainly is one of them. Have held on to most of those older pics so there may be a few more posts coming up and the more I think about it the more I realize that bet many do remember Madoka and will enjoy any posts for her. The top two pics above are from her third(?) photobook that was released earlier this year, that first pic deserves a gold medal!!!! It's been about three years since her last post but she does have seven of them which are worth checking out including her first photobook.

 So while many may recall Madoka bet there's quite a few who have never heard of her. She was a first generation HKT member, they began in October 2011 and she graduated from the group in May 2021. So while there haven't been any posts for three years there were some terrific spreads since then and will get to them though seeing as how they're older there's no rush on it. Will finally admit the taller and thinner women are the ones I may prefer the most, Madoka is 165 cm and for so long she was the tallest member in HKT. She turned 25 back in July and was quite busy for her first year or so after leaving the group but has been a bit quiet the last few months.

 Not going to be a huge quantity of 2022 pics for this post but their quality is off the charts! Need to save some things for future posts but there's still seventy pics for today. First off are some Madoka IG pics from March and April, the bottom four are from the photo shoot for the digital book.

 Madoka has done some acting and will be in a play opening next month, she's also done some modeling work and why not as she has one of the most attractive faces of any women I've posted about! Have a pair or magazine spreads from earlier this year which are way too small. But do have a good sized one here from the April 25th issue of WPB that has outtake pics from the book.

 On to the book which is a bit too small at 44 pics but to me it's one of the top digital books of the year. It was released on April 4th by the WPB magazine, Madoka isn't overly bodacious but she looks so tremendous in these pics! There is a video of the photo shoot which is after the pics. Her segment begins at the 5:20 mark and there's many other segments in this video that are worth viewing.

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