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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Erika Toda: Summer Nude drama episode 4 screenshots

 Losing faith that this drama is going to be subbed any time soon, now through 4 episodes only the first one has been done and it was such a sub par effort didn't want to post screenshots from them, no news of if and when this series will get finished. Just skimmed through the last two episodes because of the lack of subs, show seems okay but there are so many strong dramas this season even though Erika is in this it still may only end up being in around 5th place, this current season is that strong. Ratings too have taken a tumble going from 17.4% to 12.8% to I think 10.7% for the third episode, never seen a show drop that quick especially one with such big stars in it, perhaps the viewers who can understand what's going on are just not happy with it. Oh well, shame for the ratings drop but there is one thing and that's how fantastic Erika looks as Hanae in the series, no describing her untoppable(?) looks as you can be the judge for yourselves, not sure if that's a word.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Manami Higa: Eguchi Travel show from August 2012 screenshots

 Manami has been way too quiet lately, she is doing the Doctors 2 drama but no new mag spreads, CMs, promo events or anything else. The Tobe! Dakota movie is coming out at the end of September so perhaps she'll start promoting it soon, here we have some screenshots of an appearance she made on the Eguchi Travel show last August 23rd, she had taken a vacation to Vietnam a few weeks prior and gave a recap of her trip there, like all Manami pics she looks too unbelievable to describe.

Double Tone drama episode 3 screenshots and recap

 Though it's not the best drama of the season find myself enjoying this than any other one, bit slow but never drags, an interesting and unique story keeps the viewer wanting more for some reason, at least for me. This show can also go by the name Futari no Yumi, think it means two people who are named Yumi.
 The two named Yumi are Nakano(Noriko) who is living in the present and is a single woman around 30 who is working for a small advertising agency. The other Yumi is Tamura(Tomoka) who is living 2 years in the past(!), she is married with a young daughter and works PT in a small accountant's office, her marriage is a bit shaky for the first two episodes but gradually improves over the 2 shows we'll be reviewing today. For some strange reason the two can see each other's lives in their dreams, why this is happening has yet to come to light but what has come to light in this episode was that Tamura is now deceased, how and why it happened is unknown. She asks Nakano to find out what happened to her so episodes 3 and 4 mainly consist of her trying to find out how she died and trying to do it in a subtle way.
 Meanwhile in the past Tamura though quite tense knowing she's about to die isn't letting it affect her life, she's actually getting along better with her husband and he with her, what looks like a normal family makes one wonder what could have happened, of course it wasn't a mere accident but had to be something more than that and it was. Nakano has started seeing Tamura's husband in the present day and had been pressing him a bit about how Tamura died, it wasn't easy for her but eventually right at this episode's final minute he revealed how she died.... by suicide as she jumped off the balcony of their apartment! This is hard for Nakano to understand as Tamura seemed to enjoy living her life, it had to be something else and this is what Tamura's husband thinks too, could she have been murdered and had it covered up to look like a suicide? Partial answer to that comes in the next episode which is right below this one, also this is exactly the halfway point to this series, shame it's only 6 episodes but like I've said these shorter dramas have no filler and move right along which keeps them fresh and interesting, this one is a prime example of that. Screenshots here of Nakano and Tamura from this episode which should help you follow the plot a little bit better.