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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Limit drama: episode 1 screenshots and recap

 Bit surprised that this drama is being subbed, glad it is as it has the potential to be one of the better ones this season. The drama is based on the manga by Keiko Suenobu that was released in installments from November 2009 until October 2011.
 This series is a high school show though only the first few minutes were based at the school as we watch as one class is preparing to go on a camping trip to help the class bond a bit more. This class does need bonding as there are many groups, the elite, outcasts, jocks, etc. and hardly any of them get along with anyone else in one of the other groups. However on the way to the camp the bus driver, who had been working too much and was close to falling asleep eventually did too just that as the bus was turning a corner on a cliff. The bus fell quite a ways down the embankment and ended up deep into the forest at the bottom, there was no way you could see it from the road.
 It was no minor accident though as there were only 5 students survivors from a total of about 30 passengers, this really took us to the end of the first episode as the students were realizing all their friends and teacher were dead but they figured it should really be any minute that they'll be rescued, but little did they know there was a snafu at their school. The teacher who was their escort was supposed to check in often and through a miscommunication the school thought that she did so they presumed everyone arrived safely, little did they know what tragedy really occurred.
 That sums up episode 1 for the most part, lot of it was flashbacks to introduce us to the main characters and how they ended up turning into the people they were. Except for one set of friends they don't trust each other and how this game of survival is going to turn out should be very interesting, the 5 students who survived the crash are these, they will be the main cast for the duration of the show.

Nanami Sakuraba as Mizuki Konno, one of the elites.
Ayano Kudo as Haru Ichinose, the other elite.
Tao Tsuchiya as Chieko Kamiya, a loner who is the class brain.
Yuka Masuda as Chikage Usui, not sure of her status but doesn't like any of the survivors, another loner.
Rio Yamashita as Arisa Morishige, the class outcast.

Some screenshots from episode 1, main reason for the watch was because of Nanami but think Rio's character is the best so have pics of both of them here.

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