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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ji-won Ha: The King 2 Hearts episode 6 screenshots and recap

  Another bit of a quiet episode, this drama did change on a dime from an action series to a bit of a romantic one, it's still working though yet the theme will soon change in the next episode. Kim Hang Ah(Ji-won) and the Prince have settled some of their differences and have decided to go ahead with their marriage plans, after her accepting his proposal on live TV there wasn't much he could do after that. Was a much slower episode as the two mainly during this show are taking the time to get to know each other, the Prince for the most part has accepted her, along with his sister who was finally introduced a bit more in this episode. She's a bit of a flake who is interested in a music career, deep down though she does appear to have her head on straight, much of her acting the way she does is just because she's a born rebel, she does strike up a good relationship with Kim much quicker than the rest of the household. The Prince's mother is another story though, it's been taking her a while to accept the marriage, at the conclusion of this show she still is having a difficult time realizing that her son is getting married to a woman from the North. Also Kim has had to start to take some sort of 'life' courses, she has no clue how royalty acts, how the South lives and many other things like that, she's being put through some intense training on those issues.
 And that's really what transpired in this episode, at 20 shows that last a bit over an hour things need to be stretched out a bit, not complaining in the least as though the show has slowed down it hasn't dragged in the least. Starting with the next episode things really are going to change, next recap is one that really shocked me, the intensity is back and at a higher level than ever.

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