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Monday, July 15, 2013

Double Tone drama episode 2 screenshots and recap

 Noirko Nakagoshi as Yumi Nakano
 Tomoka Kurotani as Yumi Tamura

 The recaps may make this drama seem a bit complicated of baffling, it really isn't though when watching it but when it comes to putting what happened on the screen into words seems like it's a hard drama to follow, some of the screenshots may help to you to understand it a bit better.
 At the conclusion of the last episode Nakano has learned that the other Yumi Tamura has died, but how can that be as Nakano has been seeing how Tamura leads her life when she dreams, are these dreams not real then? Well they are real, she has been dreaming about Tamura but it's come out that the life she's been following in her dreams was from 2 years ago, Tamura has died even before she has actually met her. When Tamura learns of this in her dreams she's gone into a mild panic, who killed her, when and why? This is where a mysterious man comes into play, he was only in this episode for barely a minute but both Nakano and Tamura have seen him in their daily lives, he is a suspicious character, what role if any did he play in Tamura's death. One sigh of relief for Nakano was knowing that Tamura's husband wasn't cheating on him, he's actually still caring for his daughter who is now six and he appears to be a much better person than he was two years ago, wondering if him and Nakano are going to end up together.
 Another fine episode, this really has the potential to be one of the best of the year, shame it's only 6 episodes but that means there's no time for much filler and things move along at a good pace. There is more that happens in these episodes but hope this is just a primer to get you interested in it, so far gets a very high recommendation from me as the two main actresses have been superb along with the plot. Will be back after the next two episodes have aired for a few more recaps, check out these screenshots if what I wrote above is a bit baffling, which it probably is.

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