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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nao Minamisawa: Otousan wa Nido Shinu drama episode 4 screenshots and recap

  Finally the Osawa family has learned the real reason how the father died, it was no accident but he was stabbed twice, but why and by whom? The answers for why and by whom were very simple ones, he was stabbed by accident as the killer was going for someone else and the father Toshio happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was not targeted at all by the killer. Few other enigmas finally get answered but the biggest event by far and quite a bizarre thing it was too were that the suspicions that the father was having an affair were true.... Toshio was having the affair with his children's mother!!!! What a shocker to put it mildly, he was actually married to his boss at work, she knew about his other family but never would grant him a divorce so for over 20 years he had led a double life. The mother of his children was able to keep it a secret for all those years, they were one of the few people in the show who had no idea about his real life, needless to say they were beyond shocked as us viewers also were. There was nothing Toshio or the mother Yukie could do about it so they just made the best of the situation that was why he was rarely at home all those years, really don't know why Toshio's real wife wouldn't grant him a divorce except to see him suffer which he did all those years as he really wanted to live with his other family. The show did end on a somewhat happy note, the children realized what their father had gone through and he had really wanted to be with them, there was one last picture he had sent them which was a bit of a tearjerker to them and us, those are the last few screenshots below.
 Gave away many spoilers but hopefully just enough so you don't know everything that happened and perhaps make you curious enough to check this drama out, the finale with that bombshell that was dropped on us was one of the best ever endings for a drama. Would really recommend this series and will give it a final rating of a 8.5/10.

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