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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mirei Kiritani: "Tsui no Sumika" drama recap and screenshots

 Air Dates: July 20 and 27 on NHK-BS Premium at 10:00 pm

Main Cast:

Mirei Kiritani as Tomoko Asakura, rookie computer with an MBA
Yoshinori Okada as Naoki Akimoto, manager of the Ginaikai Senior Health Center
Sei Hiraizumi as Akira Hirabayashi, Doctor
Toranosuke Kato as Daigo Harashima, reporter

 Bit surprised this two part drama was subbed but really glad it was, nothing ground breaking in this show but it was still a enjoyable watch, Mirei's last few dramas haven't been all that great so it was quite good to see in something that was okay.
 In this two part special, each episode was 49 minutes, she plays a rookie reporter named Asakura who works for Dainichi Shimbun. She's not actually a rookie as she's been there for almost a year but hasn't had any articles printed, no clue what she did then for the year. However Asakura's father was a major sponsor for the newspaper which was one reason she got hired as her degree was an MBA, she's quite good with numbers and such but when it comes to people such as when she had to interview them she seriously lacks in any kind of people skills. One day though she approached her supervisor with an idea for a story which concerned the health care for the elderly, it wasn't a good article at all but it got the go ahead to be printed, mainly because of the fact how big of a sponsor Asakura's father was to the paper.

 During the making of the article Asakura came into contact with Akimoto who ran the local Senior Health Center and truly appeared to be interested in their welfare. He introduced her to an elderly live at home person and she ended up doing an interview with the man but as mentioned her interview/people skills were very poor, even though it was so poorly written the article was going to be printed. At the last minute though the elderly man passed away and Akimoto requested that the article not be printed which is what happened.
 He then introduced Asakura to two more at home elderly patients, her interviewing skills were slowly improving mainly due to the help she had at the office by a senior reporter named Harashima. This article was coming along much more smoother when tragedy struck again as both of the people she interviewed also passed away. This sparked the curiosity of Harashima as the doctor who had treated all of the deceased patients was also one who had given an interview some time before when he said he would help an elderly person who was suffering to die. All of the patients died because of heart failure and it looked like the doctor had given them some pills that did it.
 Though all the signs pointed to the doctor Hirabayashi being a murderer Asakura began having doubts about him being guilty, she set out to prove the truth. Doing much groundwork she deduced that it wasn't the doctor who had given the patients the pills but someone else who they would trust, there were only two possibilities there. One was a health aide who had cared for all three who had died but upon talking with her Asakura thought she wasn't a person who could do such a thing.

 The last suspect then was the Senior Center's manager Akimoto, he was cornered by Asakura and Harashima and confessed to giving them all the pills which caused their deaths. Akimoto was too concerned with the way seniors were treated, so much that he resorted to murder to help get the laws changed to help the elderly more. Certainly the wrong way to go about it but he had tried and tried to no avail to get anyone important such as politicians to listen to his concerns so as a last resort he ended up killing the patients hoping others would notice so many elderly people dying and perhaps then they would change the laws. Don't know if that made any sense as I don't know what the health care system is in Japan for the elderly but it doesn't seem as it's all the good, least by this drama. To end off the show Asakura has the article printed and it was so successful that she was asked to do a special series on the health care for the elderly, by this time she seemed to have grasped how to be a reporter.
 Tried not to give too much away and don't think I did but what's above is the basic story of what happened in this two part drama. It's available at d-addicts and once again it was done by Heiwa, like how they pick up these kind og TV movies or drama specials. Won't give it a high rating, probably an 8/10 but that's a fairly solid rating, would recommend it as it wasn't anything great but it was a good watch, never dragged or got boring. Mirei of course looked fantastic, think slowly over the years her acting skills have improved, now all we need for her is to be in a really good drama, her last few haven't been all that good but it wasn't her fault they weren't. Have a mega amount of screenshots of her in the next two posts, one can never have too many of her pics.

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