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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Juice=Juice: "Dream Road ~Kokoro ga Odoridashiteru" single tidbits

 Think this is the fifth in their 'Single series', will be the last one until their next single comes out. The group's older singles there were two members who were a bit young so will pass on those older songs. However to me those singles I won't be posting about are among their best songs so thinking about having a post for their "First Squeeze' album and have some recent videos of them performing some of those older songs.
 This single was released on October 26, 2016 and the titles for all three songs are "Dream Road ~ Kokoro ga Odoridashiteru/Keep On Joushoshikou/Ashita Yarou wa Bakayarou", definitely three long song titles. Above are two of the covers for the single which was released in six versions, here are the others along with two promo pics.

 Like all of the singles from Juice=Juice it reached the top five on the Oricon charts, #5 was it's top position. That's actually lower than their previous few singles and the total sales were also a bit down. In it's first week it sold 32,200 copies which is on par with their other singles. However after that it showed no staying power and only sold about 3,000 copies in the next month.
 Will say it's not one of their better singles but then again we fans may have been spoiled as they put out so many fabulous songs in such a short amount of time, hard to keep that pace up. That could be the major reason why the sales were down for the single though like most H!P groups they don't sell a ton of records but they had always broken the 40,000 mark. Here's a few cards that were included in the singles.

 If you're a Juice=Juice fan think you'll really enjoy this post as it's the biggest one I've ever done for them as it has sixty pics plus have the PV at the bottom. One reason for so many pics is that two week's after "Dream Road" was released the group had their first headlining concert at Budokan and lot of the pics were promoting it. What I like about doing these 'single series' posts as it's not just about the songs but it's like a snapshot of a group during the time a single was released.
 If you haven't seen it yet highly recommend watching their "Budokan" drama that aired earlier in 2016, it truly was one serious drama. Think I'll also try to do a future post for the concert, have viewed it five times this last month and it's one fun watch as H!P groups really put on such entertaining concerts. Pics here are from an October interview the group did for the single and concert with Billboard Japan.

 More interview pics which feature Tomoko who is such an underrated beauty and Yuka. These are from the website Hustle Press, their series with J-Poppers is called 'Pick Up Idol'.

 One more set of interview pics though there's only four of them. These feature Sayuki and team captain Yuka, being the captain means you do a lot of interviews and these were for Walker Plus.

 Usually Hello Project groups have a mini concert the day of a single's release. JJ didn't do that for this single but instead held an event on September 11th, perhaps because of the Budokan concert? The event took place at the Ikebukuro Sunshine City fountain in Tokyo and it drew over 2,000 fans. You won't see them but Karin had crutches at the show, she had fractured a bone and had to use the crutches for almost six weeks.
 That meant this mini concert was much more subdued than usual, the gals are truly so entertaining and energetic in concert. You'll also notice they're all quite emotional as they all had tears streaming down their faces, have seen a few other videos with them sobbing such as when the announcement was made they'd be having a Budokan concert.

 Mentioned at the top this wasn't one of their stronger singles though it really is a fine song, was just playing the PV again and found out that I'm liking it more than ever. Of course in these posts need to have the video for the single which you can view after these pics and the video is subbed!

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