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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Keyakizaka46: The 'Yuuka Sugai post' #1

 Couple of the mag spreads also feature Akane and thought about making this a 'pairs post' as they seem to be together so often in mags, doing interviews or at events. After Akane has an intro post or two will do that post(s) for the duo.

 That's Yuuka on the left and will devote this whole post to her. Yuuka is Keya's captain and she kind of has those looks of being one. She'a also the second oldest member and will be turning 22 a bit later on this year. Figured out why she's in so many pics with Akane as she's the co-captain of Keya.
 In the 'Tokuyama' drama she's the class rep and the last few episodes she's really had a huge part in the development of trying to figure out who killed their teacher. Wasn't Yuuka who committed the crime though most of her classmates thought so. I'm about to start on the ninth episode and some of the mystery will be cleared up such as why was Yuuka's name on a secret list, looks like her family may have been blackmailed by the principal.

 Like all her Keya mates Yuuka has done a huge amount of interviews for Hustle Press. However won't be having any of those pics for this post but will have a slew of them for her next one. Do have one set of interview pics from January which was for Oto Coto as she was a store clerk for a day.

 Everything else for this post will be for 2017 mag spreads and Yuuka has appeared in so many this year but won't have the bigger group sets. First spread is from the June issue of Brody.

 Here's the first of two spreads featuring her with Akane, they really do look terrific as a pair with this set of pics being from the May edition of BLT.

 This is the set which really looks fabulous and it's from the April issue of Bomb.

 Back to Yuuka's solo spreads and this fine set is from March issue of Bubka.

 Of all of the member's posts to date this is probably the biggest one for mag spreads which is fine with me as Yuuka is a fine looking woman. Smaller set of pics from Young Magazine #7.

 One more to go after this splendid array of pics from the February edition of UTB.

 Final set is another superb set of pics from volume 17 of BLT Graph, have one more item though after these pics.

 It's a long video but there's no short one as this press conference lasted over fifty minutes, On January 21st Yuuka and Akane were at this event where the announcement was made that the pair are now Keya's captain and sub captain. It was also to promote their appearance on 'Showroom' where the official ceremony would take place, the pair also had a arm wrestling match on the show.

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