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Friday, May 26, 2017

Keyakizaka46: "Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?" drama episode seven recap

 Air Dates: July 16 to October 1, 2016 on TV Tokyo, Saturdays at 12:20 am
 Theme song: "Sekai ni wa Ai Shika Nai" by Keyakizaka46


 The Adults....

Kyusaku Shimada as Tokuyama, their dead homeroom teacher
Noriko Eguchi as Kanzaki, asst. homeroom teacher
Ryo Iwamatsu as the Principal
Hiroki Konno as the janitor Hashibe
Kazuyuki Aijima as teacher Takemura

 Up until this post have listed about ten of the members in the above info but starting from this recap will have all of the Keya members who are in the drama. These are screenshots from the opening credits and in the order the cast is listed, words at the bottom are the drama's theme song.

 As you can see Yurina is definitely the superstar of the group, not just in this show but everything Keya does. On to the recap and the last show ended off with the school's huge secret discovered. That secret is a list which Yurina had found hidden in a novel that Tokuyama had been carrying around with him, the class rep Yuuka's name is on it but so far what the list means is a mystery. But that wasn't the biggest cliffhanger to end off the last show as when the students first period was about to start they were naturally shocked to see at the doorway....

 .... Tokuyaama!!!! Well, it wasn't actually their teacher but his slightly older twin brother Daishiro. When the girls saw him though they went into such a panic, did he come back to life or is he a zombie? Daishiro explained what was happening as he also has been worried about his brother Daigoro. Daishiro thought he could fool the school by impersonating him and trying to solve the mystery of his disappearance.
 He doesn't know about his brother's death, previous show the gals had finally managed to bury him on the school grounds. Daishiro had heard of the secret list from Daigoro but had no clue what was on it, Yurina is still keeping her discovery to herself. Daishiro isn't a teacher but lives far away on Awaji Island where the brothers grew up and he's an onion farmer.
 Slowly the rest of the school starts to trickle in but none of them seem to be suspects yet. None of them were shocked to see Tokuyama teaching class, they were just a bit surprised to see that he had taken so many days off. Not being shocked to see Tokuyama alive was the key for the students as if they weren't shocked then they couldn't have been involved in the murder.The only person who was slightly suspicious was the principal who wanted to see Tokuyama after school for a meeting.

 While in the classroom the principal had mentioned that construction would be starting that day on the school grounds, for some reason it didn't sink in at what may happen. The Keya students and Daishiro spend most of the episode trying to get to the root of his brother's disappearance, it wouldn't have surprised him if his slightly younger brother had been murdered.
 Daishiro told them Daigoro wasn't the greatest of people and barely finished school. He must have cleaned up his act though as he eventually became a teacher. The girls all agree with his comments about his brother as they too think he's a bit odd, few think he's a pervert and other not so nice things. They have to work with Daishiro to make him less polite in front of the other teachers as Daigoro doesn't have a good reputation at school among most people.
 But Daishiro does tell them about the good side of Daigoro and the students actually begin to take a different view of him. While this was going on they heard some bulldozers out on the school grounds. 'Uh Oh!' they thought, they just buried Daigoro's body the previous night and now it looks like they're going to have to quickly dig him up and hide him the classroom again.

 They did dig up the body of Tokuyama and were once again going to hide it in Neru's locker. However just before they got back to their classroom Daishiro came into the hallway where they were. In a panic a few of the students pushed him back into the room and hid him in the locker next to where they were going to put his brother.
 That they finally ended up doing, you can see Rika above taking a snapshot of the pair hidden away and she's known for constantly taking those kinds of pics. Though the same length as every other episode this show felt much shorter, probably because Tokuyama's twin brother was in almost every scene. After the girls re-hid their teacher's body in the locker the episode came to an abrupt ending.
Really the only semi cliffhanger is that Yurina finally got around to talking to Yuuka about the list and why the amount of 20 million was next to her name.

 Almost every detail about the list will be revealed in the next recap as most of the next show dealt with it's secrets. Also Tokuyama's twin brother is also around for the entire episode once again, having him there has made the girls start to like Tokuyama much more. Bit late for that though as he's hidden away in a locker and also he's starting to reek more than ever, next show will make it five days since he's been stabbed. Recap for episode eight is the next recap and though many questions get answered the mystery actually is growing more confusing for the students.

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