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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Fujiko Kojima: Just a few tidbits....

 This is only the third post ever for Fujiko, she has been a busy gal over the years but most of her activities don't make for many interesting posts. Have been trying to get through her 2014 drama 'Lost Days", her and the cast are okay in it but the series itself is kind of boring. Will finish the show but odds are there won't be recaps for it but here's a few screenshots from the drama.

 Fujiko to me is one of the 'next door neighbor' type of girls, never have thought of her too much as a gravure model but those two pics at the top of the post surely rate an A+ along with these new ones. And these new pics are the main reason for the post, though there's only eight pics Fujiko looks better than ever as I really wish she would do more spreads like this one which is from the June 6th Flash.

 Like I said those above pics were the main reason for the post as Fujiko doesn't appear in enough mags, after that above set though wouldn't be surprised if we saw her in many more. For years she's appeared most months in the Photo Technique mag though most of the time there's only 2-3 pics and these are from last July-September.

 Fujiko is currently starring in the NHK asadora show 'Hiyokko" which started on April 3rd. However she didn't begin on it until four weeks were aired though her character of Sachiko seems to be an important role. Pics here are from a press conference for the series back on January 30th. No jaw-dropping videos of her but there's a fairly good CM following the pics from SoftBank.

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