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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Keyakizaka46: "Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?" drama episode two recap

 Air Dates: July 16 to October 1, 2016 on TV Tokyo, Saturdays at 12:20 am
 Theme song: "Sekai ni wa Ai Shika Nai" by Keyakizaka46


 The whole group is in the show and go by their first names, here's some of the members who have had or think will have the most important roles.

Yurina Hirate
Rika Watanabe
Yuuka Sugai
Nanako Nagasawa
Shiori Sato
Rika Ozeki
Yui Imaizumi
Neru Nagahamam


Kyusaku Shimada as Tokuyama, their dead homeroom teacher
Noriko Eguchi as Kanzaki, asst. homeroom teacher
Ryo Iwamatsu as the Principal
Hiroki Konno as the janitor Hashibe
Kazuyuki Aijima as teacher Takemura

 Would recommend reading the above post first as I won't be talking about the first show too much. That show ended up with the students receiving a text message from their dead homeroom teacher Tokuyama asking 'Did I die?'. Noticed the students often use the word Line while here we would use the words text message.
 Seeing as how Takuyama is dead or murdered to be more accurate there's no way he could have sent the text. One student quickly checks his pockets but he had no phone. Yurina has deduced that Tokuymama's killer was the person who sent the message But the gals have zero clue who the killer could be.... another teacher, someone from outside of the school or perhaps one of them?

 Shortly after putting Tokuyamam's body back in the locker the janitor Hashibe makes an appearance with a trolley. He said that Tokuyama had requested it(!) and showed the students his text message. But the trolley may come in handy as the Keya students can't leave the body in the locker for too long as it came close to being discovered. But where to move the body was one question, another was how safe it would be if they transported the body through the hallways.
 Yurina said she would be a decoy to possibly expose the killer. The students left her on the trolley in a hallway and she was covered by a curtain. Classes were going on at the time so there shouldn't have been anyone in the halls, if someone lifted the curtain that may mean they're the culprit. One teacher passed but didn't lift the curtain, shortly after that another person passed but doubled back and lifted the curtain.

 It was no teacher but the truant student Neru, it's her locker Tokuyama's body has been hidden in. She was supposed to have a meeting with him but naturally Tokuyama didn't show up. Neru had a short discussion with Yurina but it doesn't appear as she's going to be coming back to school. That is for now as I think her character may be playing an important part in this mystery.
 After class the rest of the students went looking for Yurina but she was nowhere to be found. They searched high and low to no avail, then they thought did the killer find Yurina and did she suffer the same fate as Tokuyama? Luckily the answer to that was no as she was found in their homeroom, at first her fellow students thought she was dead. She was just nodding off but told them she had met Neru but there was no hint of the killer.

 Really have enjoyed Risa's remarks like the two above that keeps laying suspicions on everyone. Some of the students think that Neru may be a suspect, she was threatened with an expulsion unless she started coming back to school immediately. As they were discussing the possibilities of her committing a murder the janitor Hashibe makes another appearance.
 He's received another text message from Tokuyama but as the students know those messages are probably from his murderer. He was asked to fix a locker and was going do it to the one where Tokuyama was hidden, in a goofy way the gals managed to prevent him from opening the locker. But the girls know that they need to move the body very soon but to where, looks like using the trolley to move the body won't work plus where in school can they hide a body where it won't be discovered?

 As you can see by that bottom screenshot the killer came into the homeroom while the girls were in class, Yurina thinks he or she is really toying with them. Another suspect to them is the assistant homeroom teacher Kanzaki, rumor was that she put a curse on Tokuyama. We'll be hearing more about that teacher as she is a bit suspicious but first the gals's talk was interrupted by the school's principal. He told the students that Tokuyama's wallet was found in a brothel in Shinjuku.
 Tokuyama may not have been the nicest of teachers as another rumor was that he was a huge pervert though he didn't act that way to his group of homeroom students. The principal could be a pervert, while he was telling the girls about Tokuyama he started playing with Yurina's hair and it didn't appear as though it was the first time he had done that.
 In the end the girls don't have any definite clues or suspects but there may be one. One student had entered the classroom at 7:50 am and Tokuyama's body wasn't there, she had left after about a minute. Twenty minutes later the rest of the students came to their homeroom and the body was there. So now the first major clue is those twenty minutes, did someone transport Tokuyama's body into the homeroom during that time? Or could it possibly have been hidden in a locker or a nook, they don't have any idea yet but that clue is where they'll be starting the next show off with and the conclusion of the show was also the end of the school day.

 Two solid episodes so far and have a feeling I'll be enjoying this entire series which has twelve shows. The group has another drama which starts tomorrow night on NTV, they may have had a press conference for it today so if so will do a post for it along with much more info about the series.
 Will be watching that show but want to finish this drama first. Will be doing back to back posts like these two and think the next pair will be this weekend. This is also good practice at writing up recaps as I've gone way too long since reviewing an entire series, planning on starting on the "Reverse" show soon. Plenty of screenshots to end off with to help you follow the action better plus I'm sure some want to view some pics of their faves.

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