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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nogizaka46: 'NOGIBINGO!' season eight, episode 1 recap

 Been a while since there was a day where there's been zero new activities to post about but that's happened today. Not really a bad thing though as I can finally get to reviewing these episodes which require a bit more time which is mainly due to the small size of my brain. Then again when you have someone like her lurking in your brain everything takes so much longer....

 Have a feeling this season is going to concentrate on the new third generation members, first two shows did and think the next two have done the same thing. This is the first of a two-parter, the main theme of the two shows is getting to know these new members a bit better but think it'll take more than just these two 20+ minute shows.

 There were many solo skits to introduce the new members better, most were also done by the older members years ago as the writers may be having too much of a writer's block. First off was the MC for the show Ijiri hiding in a locker at a fake meeting and scaring the girls when he jumped out clad only in his underpants. Like the members did back in 2013 when this skit originally happened the gals were scampering all over the place but realized quickly it was a gag.
 But it wasn't a gag to Momoko and Shiori who were literally in tears. Ijiri and some members tried to calm down. It worked somewhat well with Momoko though not with Shiori who continued her crying when the scene shifted to the studio, she does appear to be too intimidated by Ijiri.

 Won't get into every detail as I don't want to make these two posts ten thousand words each. That's where the screenshots come into play and you can see most of what took place by viewing them. Every new member had a turn in the spotlight where they would do some talent they think they have but all will be interrupted by some gags. The point is to see how they do under pressure and if they can continue when things don't go perfectly, for the most part they did well.
 Helping Ijiri in this and the next show are the popular first generation members Manatsu and Rina, I'm not a huge fan of either one but both did extremely well in these shows. On to the individual turns on the podium for the new members, there are eleven on all but just four had their 'Entrance Ceremony' this show, the other seven had their turn in episode two.

 Of the eleven new members I don't know all of them yet, six or so have been appearing in many mags recently so have gotten to know them a bit. One who was new to me was Hazuki Mukai, of the 45 current members she's the second shortest at 152 cm, Miria is the shortest at 151 cm.
 Hazuki's special skill is gluttony, she amazed everyone with her stories of how much she can eat. For her sake hope she slows down on that eating and being active with Nogi should do that. Her challenge was to eat about fifty steamed dumplings. Shouldn't have been too hard for her to do but the dumplings were spiked with vinegar and other sour toppings. She ate a few over five which was good enough and she completed her entrance exam.

 Up next was Mizuki Yamashita, mark my words as they should will be true. I can see her in two years possibly being the most popular member of Nogi, she already is very popular after seven months and she'll probably be the first third generation gal to become a Senbatsu member. Plus to me doesn't that hairstyle remind you so much of Erika?
 Watching her in the challenge you can see she's so mature for her age and has what it takes to be an ultra popular Idol. Mizuki's talent is golf and she tried to name her fave foods while doing practice swings. She kept her cool as she was constantly bombarded by pies in the face, like Mai before her she said she was happy at what happened.

 Didn't take too many screenshots of the other two members who were Renka Iwamoto and Riria Ito. They're the two youngest members and won't be posting their mag spreads for a while because of their ages but do have a few screenshots of Renka and both naturally passed their tests.

 It was an okay episode but wish the challenges were new ones instead of rehashing the same ones again. Many times Nogi has copied things from 'AKBingo!' so this was the third or fourth time we've seen some of them. It's good at least to see these new members live, looks like they've had a lot of intense training already. Here are more screenshots from the show and the next post has part two with the other seven new members.

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