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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Nogizaka46: The 'Hinako Kitano post' #9....

 There's always more Nogi posts than anyone else by far as you can tell by the post counts on the right hand side. But seems December has been the busiest month in 2018 for Nogi posts as there have been over ten solo posts plus quite a few group ones. Seems Nogi in all has done so many more activities lately than they've done all year, December and January seem to be busier months for J-Pop. Plus has I've mentioned this time of year is extremely slow for actresses as there's a month break between dramas and also very few films come out, hence the slowdown for their posts.
 As far as slowdowns go that's what's happened to Hinako here as this is her solo post in two years! Not my fault as I'd love to post about her weekly, don't know if anyone remembers but in my first 'Top Ten Nogi Faves' list back in 2016 she finished fourth. Since then though things haven't gone so well for Hinako though they are looking up.
 That top pic is one from her first photobook which comes out today. But originally Hinako was supposed to have her PB released in June or July 2017 which never happened. Last year and the first half of 2018 wasn't a nice stretch for her as first the PB wasn't released plus she was very sick and took a long hiatus. Plus Hinako used to be an exclusive model for the Zipper magazine which folded and her spreads always had some cool yet conservative pics. Because of the mag shutting down it meant not being an exclusive model so she couldn't appear at any more fashion shows .

 Also Hinako had been a Senbatsu member for two straight singles, she lost that spot and bet she may have been having health problems because of all those bad things happening seemingly at once. Didn't help either that her best Nogi mate graduated at the end of 2017 too.

 Do have over a hundred new pics but would like to hold on to a few for future Nogi posts or perhaps even another solo post. In about a month will be starting my first top twenty Nogi/Keya faves list and would presume Hinako will make it though don't think she'll have a top ten spot. At one time she was Nogi's second best blogger but not so these days though do have a few recent pics.

 Hinako's first photobook is titled "Kuki no Iro" which means Air Color. She truly is one quirky character which I really enjoy about her plus she is by far Nogi's cutest member though she is 22 now. The pics for the book were taken in the unique location of..... Sweden(!), only she would go there for a PB shoot. Pics were taken in Stockholm and Kiruna which is the northern most place in Sweden. There's a Twitter page that has opened for the book which has at least  hundred pics from the photo shoot. Most of them are kind quite conservative though the whole PB isn't like these pics as you'll see at the bottom of the post along with the very top pic of the post.

 Just twenty pics above so if there's another mag spread soon will be posting so many more of them from the photo shoot. For the first time Hinako was the center of a Nogi tune which was on their last single, however it was an Undergirl's song but it was the best one on the single. So far there's only been one mag spread for the PB, the pics are quite tremendous though the set is way too small at five pages, these are from WPB #1 for 2019.

 The photobook officially comes out on the 27th though you could purchase it today. That's because Hinako had an event for the PB at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku and she's looking cuter than ever, really hope this book does well as she truly deserves some good breaks after so many bad ones.

 That WPB spread was just way too tiny at five pages yet they had eight bonus pics which are outtakes form the PB's photo shoot. These are honestly among the best Nogi pics of the year and bet Hinako has shocked many with how she looks....WOW!!!! No video of the above event but she did host tonight's 'Showroom' which you can view after these ultra scintillating pics.
EDIT: Forget that video as once again another one was deleted from YT.

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