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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Miyuki Watanabe: An extremely overdue post....

 Mentioned in yesterday's NMB post that Miyuki was so overdue for a post and said I would be working on one. Made that my #1 priority and think all 'Milky' fans will really enjoy today's pics as almost everything is new from the past 2 1/2 months plus have a few oldies that had never been posted before.
 Had a 'Nao Kanzaki' post in March where I did a quickie 'Top Ten Hottest 48 Members' of all time list. Should do a regular one as most of it was off the top of my head except for the number one gal who of course was Miyuki and she just may be my most alluring/sexy Idol of all time. When she graduated from NMB in August 2016 Miyuki wasn't allowed to work for two years and presume that's because she broke her contract too early. However she's now back and has been much busier than I knew the past couple of months. Plus she has some activities lined up so hope this is the first of many posts, her hotness is just off the charts....

  Miyuki had one solo single when she was in NMB, she had that honor for winning the 2014 'Janken Taikai' tournament, also known as rock, papers and scissors. On her 25th birthday which was September 19th she released her second single "Milky Land". At first it was just available at her first solo concert but is now available at other sites and her fan club. At the top is a video of the song from her September 19th concert, more info on that below.

 NMB is based in Osaka, Miyuki is from Nara which isn't that far away. On October 27th she was at another concert and it was her first time appearing in stage in two years with her old group. The occasion was a bit of a sad one as her NMB 'rival' held her graduation concert in Osaka. All fans should know who I'm referring to and don't think their rivalry was as intense as everyone said it was, they have appeared in so many mags together. Perhaps a 'pairs post' for the duo is in order and would love to include the third graduate who you see in the bottom pics.

 Think most of Miyuki's things from 2012-16 have been posted but there could be many things missing too. She has been such a mega fave of mine would love to do many more posts for her and will hunt down the things that have been overlooked such as some oldie AKB/NMB cards. There's two cards not shown that you can buy on E-Bay, they're both autographed and go for $40!

 Few recent Instagram pics with the top two being from her September 19th birthday.

 Has mentioned above Miyuki is from Nara which is in somewhat southwestern Japan. On September 26th she was at the city's Nishiwa Police Station where she was the honorary chief for the day.

 Miyuki graduated from NMB in August 2016 so think I may have missed these two spreads which came out after that. That's one activity she hasn't started doing again which is appearing in mags and no Idol beat her spreads from 2012 until her graduation. First five pics are from the September 6, 2016 issue of Flash while the rest are from a special Flash edition titled 'Best of Autumn 2016'.

 To promote her second solo single there was an interview with Oricon and really looking sharp in these pics.

 On September Miyuki had her first solo concert which was held at the Zepp Tokyo, it was also celebrating her 25th birthday. She has another special Christmas concert which will held on that day, more info in her next post. Am holding just a few things back as I don't want another long gap between posts.
 These pics are from the September 19th concert and doesn't she look so tremendous. There were thirteen songs performed, nine were new including her second solo single. Seven of the songs though haven't been released and wonder if that means an album will be coming out? Two of those new songs were written by Tsunku of Hello Project fame.

 Have said so many times that Miyuki is my all time hottest '48' member so may as well end off with some fabulous pics to back that claim up. Following them is a video from her solo concert, the whole show isn't on one video but think you can find every song performed on YT.

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