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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's 27 and 28 recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.1 and 2.1%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior
Shin Jae-Ha as Gyeol.... friend of Yeo-Wool and her dead sister
Yoo Soo-Bin as Kang.... fake reporter working under Baek

 Didn't seem as much happened for a change yet I set a record for most screenshots so go figure. No need to rehash too much as you can read about what led up to the opening scene in the above post as this one starts off with two people on the floor writhing in pain from stab wounds. Those two are Gyeol who had been stabbed by Woo-Hye, as mentioned many times in the previous post he's no longer controlled by her evil powers.
 Woo-Hye is the other person on the floor with a knife wound, that was courtesy of Da-Ii who wanted to end her life once and for all. That's not an easy thing to do as Woo-Hye told him she had already died once so he couldn't kill her again, more on that as the post goes on. Her wound wasn't too severe though it seemed Da-Ii stabbed her deeply, perhaps she's correct and she can't die again. Woo-Hye gave Da-Ii an option, try to save Gyeol and let her escape or try killing her again.
 Da-Ii is an upright person so he picks choosing his partner's life over trying to kill her again. The reason all three were in the room was because Da-Ii and Gyeol had set a trap for Woo-Hye which she quickly picked up on, during all of the action Da-Ii's 'living body' remained in a coma lying on a bed. So while Da-Ii was attempting to save his friend Woo-Hye took her leave and she somehow missed running into a pair of people in the hospital hallway. They were Yeo-Wool and Chae-Won who entered the room, don't know how they missed her but there are five more shows to go.
 Woo-Hye looks like absolute crap as she's all bloody, beaten and it seems she'll keel over dead at any second. Last episode she had been shot in the left leg and she's still wearing the same bloody dress which is even bloodier because of being stabbed. Woo-Hye managed to make it outside of the hospital without being stopped, it just so happens waiting in the parking lot was the attorney Baek. She wasn't waiting for Woo-Hye but instead for Da-Ii to contact her, she was part of the trap.

 Da-Ii's plan was to trap Woo-Hye in his body as her newish one is breaking down very quickly. When that happens a spirit is very weak, then is the perfect time to kill the spirit but the plan would also have meant that Gyeol(?) would have had to kill Da-Ii and don't think he could have gone through with it. We'll never know if he could have as Gyeol was wheeled into the operating room, sadly for him and his old friend Yeo-Wool the stab was so deep he couldn't recover and died.
 Back to Baek who was waiting in the hospital's parking lot. To her surprise entering her vehicle without a sound except for the door opening was Woo-Hye, first time Baek has ever been face to face with her. Woo-Hye's evil powers have grown so strong she just has to look at a person now to put them under her control which was what happened to Baek whose eyes began glowing red. Woo-Hye ordered her to leave the parking lot immediately which Baek started to do but suddenly her car wouldn't move.
 Da-Ii's power also seemed to have increased as he was able to hold on to the vehicle and prevent it from moving. Da-Ii is stronger but because of acquiring the extra strength he's shortening his life span but it wasn't explained was it his human or ghost form's life? Da-Ii quickly pulled Woo-Hye out of the car and wrapped her up in a white sheet. Baek has some pull at the hospital so she was able to arrange to put the body in a room which was in an empty section of the hospital.
 Da-Ii feels that's the end of Woo-Hye as she's now tied up and won't be able to escape, how many times has that been said recently? Da-Ii's spirit form, which is now visible to humans, heads back to where his real body is. He lets Yeo-Wool and Chae-Won know that Woo-Hye is no longer a threat. But Da-Ii has finally accepted what Woo-Hye told him which was that she's already dead and can't be killed again. That fact was backed up by Chae-Won who says the body Woo-Hye is using is officially dead though her soul can keep it alive for a while.

 That pow-wow was cut a bit short as the time was approaching 1:00 and for Da-Ii that's when his ghost form returns to his human body. Yeo-Wool remained overnight to watch over the body which is still in a coma, with Woo-Hye tied up she should be safe which did happen. Da-Ii always returns at the same spot his body disappeared from plus he usually comes back shortly after 9:00 am, both those happenings went off without a hitch.
 However we're only nearing the end of the 27th episode which means five more to go, there's no way Woo-Hye will be out of action so early and shortly we'll be seeing her again. Though Da-Ii had returned for a full day's action the team still had no definite plans on what to do with Woo-Hye, with her track record of escaping surprised Da-Ii thought her being tied up would be the end of her. It's not and it all starts off with the once fake reporter Kang who meets up with his ex-boss Baek.
 Her role is finally become a bit bigger these last few episodes and really need to find a drama where Joo-Hee has a big role in. Baek once defended Da-Ii and Kang in a trial five years prior when they were in the Army, they had been accused of killing someone and covering it up but she got them off. When the soldier died it was the result of another evil act of Woo-Hye's, since then Kang had been on her trail and had just uploaded a video of her on the web. Details of how he got it are in the recaps for shows 21-24. Kang had learned that Baek is now part of Da-Ii's mini team and had a hand in locking Woo-Hye up in a hospital room, now he wants access to the room.
 Baek had managed to have armed guards at the hospital wing where Woo-Hye is being held captive, she really has quite a bit of pull. Kang managed to persuade her to allow him access to the room, knowing her so well why would Kang want to be alone with her? We all knew it was a huge mistake on his part and he proved us right when he arrived at the room. Kang kept hearing a banging sound outside of the unlocked door, it was Woo-Hye pounding her head against it and Kang's first major error was opening the door to see what the sound was.

 The body of Woo-Hye's fell out of the door when it was opened, the newish body she was using is breaking down rapidly and she needed another one pronto. Kang dragged her back into the room, though her body is so weak Woo-Hye's mind is still razor sharp and it didn't take her long to put Kang under her control. His error count increased quite a bit as he first took off her mouth gag though the other blunders were from Kang being under her 'spell'. Woo-Hye had put the image of the soldier Joon into his Kang's mind, now when he looks at her he thinks it's his dead friend.
 Kang quickly untied her and during that whole time he thought he was saving Joon. Woo-Hye was the reason the soldier Joon had hung himself five years ago and we've never learned why she did that. But she also managed to make Kang feel so guilty about his death, so much that Kang soon tied a noose around his neck and was about to hang himself just as his friend Joon did. While Kang was getting ready to kill himself once again Woo-Hye managed to flee, she has more lives than a cat.
 Meanwhile Yeo-Wool was still in Da-Ii's room and thought something must be done soon as she knew a room couldn't contain Woo-Hye for too long. As we've seen Yeo-Wool was correct with her thought, she gave a lame excuse to take her leave from Da-Ii and headed to Woo-Hye's room. Just in time too as when she entered Kang had just begun to hang himself, had Yeo-Wool entered the room a few minutes later Woo-Hye would have had another victim.
 However Woo-Hye is still in the area as she didn't flee the hospital. Even in her weakened state she managed to take Baek as a prisoner and once again Woo-Hye had her trusty knife. Then again we did see Woo-Hye put Baek under her control last episode so perhaps she's currently under her spell.
Woo-Hye is at the point where she needed Yeo-Wool's body immediately, her ultimatum to Yeo-Wool was 'give me your body soon or I'll slice Baek's throat'. Yeo-Wool pondered for a minute but there was no way she could give up her body so easily, especially when there would be no one around to kill her when the spirit of Woo-Hye entered her body.

 Lot more happened in this second episode than I thought but will make this the final segment. With Baek at knife point Yeo-Wool had no choice but to let Woo-Hye leave though Baek did return in a few minutes as the 'spell' probably wore off. Now the tough part for the trio was explaining to Da-Ii how they let Woo-Hye escape for the umpteenth time, of course he wasn't pleased but he knew what powers Woo-Hye possesses.
 Jung-Dae is back in the picture though he still doesn't want anything to do with Da-Ii's team. After almost killing Yeo-Wool and Sang-Sub three episodes ago he couldn't trust himself around them as he never knew when Woo-Hye would put him under her control. But Kang had made a surprise visit to his office when Jung-Dae's supervisor was there. He showed them the video he had uploaded to the internet of Woo-Hye, he asked are the police just going to let a serial killer keep killing?
 Jung-Dae's chief hadn't been a believer of the Woo-Hye, now with the video and Kang's threat he's instructed Jung-Dae to drop all of his cases and make Woo-Hye is number one priority. The mini team at first on the hunt for Da-Ii's body has rapidly grown from three to seven and it's about to increase again. Way back in the first four episodes Da-Ii had solved a kidnapping case of three young children, one was the daughter of the CEO Lee who runs a mega travel and tourist company. Baek was the person who introduced Lee to Da-Ii, now she's asking for his help but it's a bit unclear exactly what.
 Lee does have a huge security team who had also helped out during the terrorist attack that took place about ten episodes ago. Lee agreed to help as he's still so grateful at Da-Ii for saving his daughter. In the final two or so minutes the action switches to Da-Ii's office where Sang-Sub, his partner, is at alone. He's not alone for long as who should enter but Woo-Hye, before killing Da-Ii she wants to get rid of everyone one important in his life.
 Sang-Sub is another who had been out under Woo-Hye's control though it hasn't happened too often. But it does at the office as Woo-Hye handed Sang-Sub her trusty knife which has killed so many already. She ordered Sang-Sub to put the knife to his throat and to slice it, at the moment he was only semi under her control so Sang-Sub wavered with the knife, Those few seconds turned out to be key as out of nowhere appeared Da-Ii with Yeo-Wool and Chae-Won in tow. Seeing the trio Woo-Hye knew she had no time to spare so she quickly grabbed the knife out of Sang-Sub's hand and stabbed him severely. Da-Ii rushed over, saving his partner meant more to him than fighting Woo-Hye who calmly walked by the two women and perhaps out of the agency door. Said perhaps as that's where the pair of episodes ended and as usual it left us with another thrilling cliffhanger.

 Whew, didn't think as much happened in these two shows which would have meant a shorter recap, obviously I was wrong. This series seems to be getting even more intense the longer it goes on, highly recommend viewing this drama as these recaps don't do it enough justice. At first was going to have four recaps in a row for the final eight shows but haven't watched the last four yet. Will be doing that soon though and hopefully the final two recaps will be at this time next week. Set another record for screenshots for this pair of episodes and they truly do help you follow the story better.

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