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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's thirteen and fourteen recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.6 and 2.6%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Ratings for this series hit 3.8% for the tenth episode, after that it only hit the 3.0% mark twice more which is a mystery as this to me has been one excellent drama. Always helps reading the prior recap(s) as I don't go into too much detail on what happened as these posts are already long enough. But at the end of the twelfth show the mysterious woman in red, Woo-Hye, has finally been located. She's still in a coma but had been moved to a new hospital by her aide Jeon who is under her 'spell' and has been for over twenty years.
 First to find out where Woo-Hye's new location was Yeo-Wool who arrived at the Yoonsan hospital before any of her partners. However waiting for her was Jeon who quickly subdued Yeo-Wool and tied her up. His plan had been for Woo-Hye to switch bodies as her current one waas been breaking down. Jeon felt that Yeo-Wool would make for a perfect candidate though Woo-Hye wasn't too pleased with his plan. Eventually Yeo-Wool was able to escape from being tied up and had plans to stab Woo-Hye with her dead sister's Yi-Rang's knife, the same one she killed herself with.
 The problem was Jeon and she was no match for his strength. But Da-Ii was and somehow he arrived on the scene in the nick of time. Da-Ii is a ghost and has been one since the end of the second show, he can see and hear humans but has been unable to touch any solid object. For some reason though he now can touch anything and Da-Ii ends up pummeling Jeon giving time for Yeo-Wool to thrust the knife into Woo-Hye.
 As Yeo-Wool was about to do the deed Da-Ii grabbed the knife out of her hand and it was him who stabbed Woo-Hye who lay there seemingly dead. But we all know she's still alive somehow as the only person who could have killed Woo-Hye was Yeo-Wool. When you kill an evil spirit it has to be with the weapon a loved one or relative was killed with which is why Yeo-Wool had to be the one who stabbed Woo-Hye and she knew that. So didn't Da-Ii but in his rage over his mother killing herself he wanted revenge so badly.

 Bit of a long opening but the frantic pace did slow down for a while though much did happen. What has been written took place in the final five minutes of the previous show and about the first eight minutes of episode thirteen. We'll get back to Woo-Hye soon and as you can see in the bottom screenshot her death may not have happened. Her rising was unknown to Da-Ii, Yeo-Wool and the team that helped them in their fight against Woo-Hye.
 Now that she's seemingly perished Da-Ii wondered what to do next, was the only reason he was semi reincarnated to destroy her evil spirit? He felt so and is thinking what's the sense of 'living' anymore but luckily was talked out his desperate thoughts by Yeo-Wool. As far as Da-Ii being able to touch things it was revealed later on but may as well get to it now. He met the Shaman spirit once more, it's a male figure with a woman's spirit he's trapped in him. The female spirit sprang free for a few minutes and told Da-Ii that he could touch objects through his will, if it was strong enough he should able to touch things.
 Da-Ii's will did become strong enough as he wanted to avenge his mother's death so badly plus he needed to protect Yeo-Wool. Back to the undead Woo-Hye who was able to rise from her death due to the fact it was Da-Ii who stabbed her but she will need a new body because of the wound. Four hospital workers entered her room to check on Woo-Hye's condition, at the time they didn't realize she was dead or had been stabbed. Of course she was still alive but there was blood everywhere and more was added as she and her partner Jeon quickly killed the four workers, what a gruesome scene it was in the room.

 In the middle screenshot is the young detective Jung-Dae who had been helping out Da-Ii and
Yeo-Wool in the hunt for the mysterious Woo-Hye. Yeo-Wool contacted him after the 'killing', he's on their side but is getting frustrated at being kept in the dark about many things. But then again if he had been told about Da-Ii being a ghost would he have believed Yeo-Wool? Jung-Dae arrived at the Yoonsan hospital and it was he who first discovered the gruesome scene of the four hospital workers being murdered.
 But what Jung-Dae noticed more was that the bed Woo-Hye had occupied was was empty and her body was nowhere to be found. For the past few shows Jung-Dae had been under a lot of pressure from his superiors and had been told to drop the Woo-Hye case. Jung-Dae hadn't been honest with them such as omitting to tell them he was working with Yeo-Wool. But his presence at the hospital may have gotten him into deep hot water, his elder partner Sa-Soo wants to know what the hell is going on, why was he first on the scene and how did he know Woo-Hye had been in that room?
 Jung-Dae couldn't give his partner an straight answer but least for now it appears he's back on the case. Soon after Jung-Dae and Sa-Soo make their way to the 'A Few Good Men' agency to question Yeo-Wool, as you can see above it was the first she heard of Woo-Hye being missing. She was brought to the station, with her was Da-Ii but naturally no other officer was able to see him. He coached Yeo-Wool during her questioning which meant she didn't reveal much information such as why was she at the hospital just prior to the four killings. Also seems Woo-Hye has other special powers as she's able to disable security cameras which she did at the hospital, no camera picked her up as she left the hospital.

 During their flight from the hospital Woo-Hye and Jeon had been separated, she ran into a young woman as she was wandering the streets of Seoul. Woo-Hye had needed clothes as the ones she was wearing were covered with blood, the young woman Woo-Hye ran into was quickly killed. Besides getting new clothes it also appeared Woo-Hye was able to take the body of the young woman though as you can see in the screenshots her face had remained the same.
 That bottom pic above was from a hospital room, it's Da-Ii holding the phone and taking the picture. He had been there to investigate the four murders in Woo-Hye's room, of course no officer noticed him checking the room out. After he left he passed by a room where a mother and son were arguing, the son was named Ki-Hoon and he appeared to be under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye. When a person is under her control their eyes become a fiery red but only when she has them to an act for for her.
 Meanwhile Woo-Hye had still been roaming the streets though in new clothes now when she ran into her helper Jeon. His disappearance was a mystery and many of us, including the police, thought he was dead. Well he wasn't and now he's reunited with his 'controller', don't think he's overly pleased with that. When Woo-Hye killed the young woman she also took her purse which had her apartment keys, now the pair for the time being are hiding out there. Will add in now but it doesn't come out until the next pair of shows is that though Woo-Hye has the face and body of a 37 year old her mind still thinks like a twelve year old as that was the age she was when she fell into her 25 year coma.

 As usual so much happened but will try to keep this recap shorter and make this the final segment. That's the attorney Baek above who doesn't get enough screen time but has become such a huge fave of mine. She's helping out the small team on the hunt for Woo-Hye, Baek still doesn't know that
Da-Ii had been murdered. The only reason Baek is helping out is because she has a long history with Da-Ii and once represented him in court. She had hired a 'fake reporter' named Kang and was able to get him a job at a newspaper.
 There Kang had been sending out false stories about the woman, not all false but there's no evidence to back them up plus a few of the events haven't taken place yet. Kang was contacted by the young man at the hospital named Ki-Hoon and said he had seen Woo-Hye leaving the hospital after the four killings. As Ki-Hoon was about to divulge more information his eyes lit up in red, he's under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye who stopped him from blabbing what he knows about her.
 But the team does have a few clues now, much more than the police do and that was Baek above telling off one of the chiefs at the station. She meets up with the others at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, the official team now on the hunt for Woo-Hye is Da-Ii, Yeo-Wool, Sang-Sub, Chae-Won, Baek and the detective Jung-Dae. No definite plans have been made for her capture but all have their assignments, that is except for Jung-Dae.
 He's still in the dark about many things as the team doesn't want to reveal everything with him being a detective. Even at the conclusion of this pair of shows he hadn't learned about Da-Ii's murder. As the episode was ending he finally revealed something to the coroner Chae-Won who has been his ally for a while. That secret was that Jung-Dae had a huge crush on Yeo-Wool and has had it for a while, so far he's managed to keep those feelings to himself. Right there the pair of episodes ended, these two aired on Wednesday night and it's the second Thursday show which leaves us with a cliffhanger and there's an excellent one to end the next recap off with.

 Hopefully coming up soon will be another post for Eun-Bin, she's only had two to date and I really like her quite a bit. The same goes for Joo-Hee though it's difficult finding things for her. Kind of zipped through the second half of this recap, was trying to make it a tad shorter and was somewhat successful at it. But all of the major details were covered and any minor ones will be in the screenshots as there are many of them, next post has the recap for the next two episodes.

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