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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's 25 and 26 recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:1.8 and 2.0%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior
Shin Jae-Ha as Gyeol.... friend of Yeo-Wool and her dead sister
Yoo Soo-Bin as Kang.... fake reporter working under Baek

 Did mention that the last four recaps would be done in a row though don't think that'll be happening. Least that's the plan as I'll do these two posts for now as I probably won't watch the final four episodes until next week. The action and confusion didn't slow down one iota in these shows and at times it's been a bit difficult to keep track of all of the things going on. It's taken many, many shows but finally Da-Ii will end up finding his live body, the only problem is that shortly after so doesn't Woo-Hye. She could be the Korean version of Tomie, the girl you just can't kill!!!!
 We ended off the last episode at the 'Friendly Grape Farm' in Euncheon. When the spirit Da-Ii returned to his human form he recalled smelling grapes and thought he was in a warehouse of some sort. Through much investigating he's found which farm his body has been hidden at but as mentioned so hasn't Woo-Hye. Everyone will be getting into the act as his partners Yeo-Wool and
Sang-Sub have discovered the farm and are heading there. Just before their arrival the duo of the young detective Jung-Dae and the coroner Chae-Won have also made the trek to the farm.
 First on the scene though was Woo-Hye who was accompanied by her henchman Gyeol who has been under her control for many shows now. Before heading to Da-Ii's body Woo-Hye first went to the owner's house, he was a man in his fifties who lived with his wife. Woo-Hye remembered the man from 25 years ago as he was the one who sheltered Woo-Hye's mother when she left the family, the mother had been the person taking care of Da-Ii at the farm. All those years ago the then young man had made a pass at the 12 year old Woo-Hye and unsure if anything took place.
 Woo-Hye never forgot that incident and took quick revenge on the man as she stabbed him, he slowly bled to death. Shortly after that Woo-Hye ordered Gyeol to get rid of the wife, then to go pick up Da-Ii's body and meet her at their rendezvous site. We didn't learn it right then but it's very important to the story so will reveal it now. Gyeol is no longer under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye, the reason for that is because of the bracelet he's wearing. It had been Yi-Rang's, she was the younger sister of Yeo-Wool who had killed herself close to two months ago. That bracelet had some special power which enabled Gyeol to break free from Woo-Hye's spell, that had happened a few episodes ago though we didn't learn of it until these two recaps.

 As you can see Da-Ii was first on the scene to find his body but others are on the hunt too. Also about to enter the small warehouse was Jung-Dae who had left Chae-Won outside. She had heard someone rustling about nearby and went to investigate, who should she find there but Woo-Hye. It's the first time the two have met face to face, Chae-Won knows everything about Woo-Hye's condition as she's been an expert in ghosts since she was ten years old.
 Chae-Won knows Woo-Hye's body is deteriorating rapidly and needs a new host body, she's only had her current one for about a month but guess her strong powers weakened it quickly. The talking went on for a while and Woo-Hye did admit she needed a new body, as Chae-Won surmised many episodes ago the new body she's aiming for is Yeo-Wool's! Woo-Hye also threatened Chae-Won with a knife though didn't go through with the deed, seemed she may need Chae-Won's knowledge of the supernatural world in the future but Chae-Won is a person who can't be controlled.
 Back to the action in the warehouse where Da-Ii had taken his live body and was prepared to bring it somewhere else. As he approached the front door of the warehouse lying in wait was Gyeol, he couldn't see the ghost form of Da-Ii but could see the body being carried. At the time we didn't realize what happened as the scene was a flashback in the next pair of episodes. But as mentioned above Gyeol is no longer under Woo-Hye's control and actually was there to help Da-Ii.
 Of course we didn't know what Gyeol was up to at the time but it'd be easier to explain it now instead of the net recap. Gyeol had stolen the owner's SUV and hadn't killed the wife either. He put the live body of Da-Ii into the backseat and tore out of the farm, watching from a small hill in absolute fury was Woo-Hye who was finally able to be captured. Out of the warehouse sprung
Jung-Dae, as she tried to flee he shot Woo-Hye in the left leg but it wasn't a serious wound. Jung-Dae then handcuffed her to a railing but didn't stick around for long after that. He had to leave her there as Jung-Dae didn't know about Gyeol no longer being under Woo-Hye's 'spell', now he and three other vehicles were in hot pursuit of Gyeol.

 Also in pursuit were Chae-Won along with Yeo-Wool and Sang-Sub. It was a fairly exciting chase scene but eventually the three cars were able to trap the SUV being driven by Gyeol. Jung-Dae immediately rushed up to the vehicle with his pistol drawn and did notice Da-Ii's body lying in the backseat. Don't know how many have read most of these recaps but if you did you may recall four episodes ago that Jung-Dae had been put under Woo-Hye's control when he tried to arrest her in a tunnel, at the time she said Jung-Dae would be of more service to her later.
 The 'later' is now as Jung-Dae's eyes flamed red which is the sign you're under Woo-Hye's 'spell' Jung-Dae then ordered a dumbfounded Gyeol to drive off with Da-Ii's body, remember that everyone still thought Gyeol was under Woo-Hye's control. Jung-Dae had also called up his headquarters to tell them that everything was under control and to drop the search for the SUV. Right after that Jung-Dae swung around and pointed his pistol at the trio you see above. It really appeared as though he might shoot his comrades but for some reason the 'spell' wore off and Jung-Dae was back to normal.
 As you can see above Woo-Hye had been arrested at the farm and was being transported to a hospital for her leg wound. Seemed as though her powers have been increasing and as we learned later on they had been. Woo-Hye managed to put the two ambulance attendants and the driver under her control and told them to stop the ambulance. That they did which was a huge mistake as Woo-Hye quickly killed all three and now was once again a free woman.
 The trio of Yeo-Wool, Chae-Won and Sang-Sub headed back to the 'A Few Good Men' agency to discuss their next moves. They were so close to getting Da-Ii's body plus in capturing Woo-Hye, it all failed though it was no fault of their own. No new plans have been arranged but Chae-Won did reveal one major detail to Yeo-Wool which is that Woo-Hye isn't after Da-Ii as much as for her as Woo-Hye needed to take possession of Yeo-Wool's body. May have left out a few minor details but all of that happened in the first thirty minutes, the action just never slows down.

 Above is Da-Ii paying another visit to an evil Shaman trapped inside a tunnel. We've met him a few times and Da-Ii needs some important instructions from the Shaman who wouldn't reveal it until he began getting thrashed by Da-Ii. The info is how can Da-Ii make his ghost form become visible to humans? Just as Da-Ii can now touch solid objects the key is to use your emotions which for some reason Da-Ii can do as he soon will be able to be seen by others. But by using his emotions in that way Da-Ii is also weakening himself, he's still powerful but his life span has become shortened.
 The team trying to save Da-Ii has become one smaller as Jung-Dae has quit helping his mates out or at least for now. Because he's under Woo-Hye's 'spell' it's too dangerous for them to be around
Jung-Dae plus he doesn't want them to give him any info in case she can read his mind. He does stay away for a while but eventually Jung-Dae does return to help in two episodes. But what's become of Gyeol when he had sped away in the SUV with Da-Ii's live body in the car?
 Gyeol had brought him to the nearby Seongjoo hospital, he told Woo-Hye of the new location. As we know Gyeol is no longer under the 'spell' of Woo-Hye but along with Da-Ii had laid a trap for her. Gyeol did reveal everything he knew about Woo-Hye to Dai-Ii as the two are now partners. There were two flashback scenes in this second episode, one was already discussed which was what happened at the warehouse with Gyeol.
 The other flashback was how Da-Ii got to the hospital and it was due to the help of the attorney Baek. Gyeol had contacted her, at first Baek didn't believe her old friend was a ghost but when she saw the body in the back of the SUV all of her doubts disappeared. She arranged for Da-Ii to enter the new hospital plus she's going to be a part of the plan to capture Woo-Hye if all goes well, she had also met the ghost version which truly made her believe.

 Also to arrive at the hospital shortly will be Yeo-Wool and Chae-Won, they had laid in wait at a park where they knew Gyeol met Woo-Hye. When he left the location they tailed him though we won't see the pair again until the next recap. In the hospital room both Woo-Hye and Gyeol were hovering over Da-Ii's real body and it seemed as though Woo-Hye was undecided on what to do, kill him then or use the body to lure Yeo-Wool?
 That's when behind her appeared the ghost form of Da-Ii though now he can be seen by everyone due to him using his powerful emotions. In that bottom screenshot Woo-Hye knew something was up, could they have set a trap for her? That's exactly what it was as Gyeol explained to Woo-Hye that she no longer could control him as he lunged to attack her. Besides being under Woo-Hye's control for so long Gyeol also has revenge on his mind as she had made his best friend Yi-Rang kill herself.
 Woo-Hye always seemed to have a trusty knife, she did once again and thrust it deeply into Gyeol's stomach. Da-Ii wouldn't let his new ally die just like that so he quickly nabbed the knife away from Woo-Hye and stabbed her too. So as the pair of shows end we had two people lying on the hospital room's floor with stab wounds, which if either of them will survive?

 Will get more into what that plan was in the next recap which is the post just below this one. The events are really heating up in this series and though 28 episodes may have been better than 32 there's really been zero filler to date in any of these shows. When I take a lot of screenshots it means quite a bit happened and took more for these pair of episodes than any other ones as so much did happen. Been trying to keep these recaps at five segments so if anything was left out you can view the screenshots below as it goes in order but don't think anything major was left out.

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