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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's 21 and 22 recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.0 and 2.2%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior
Shin Jae-Ha as Gyeol.... friend of Yeo-Wool and her dead sister
Yoo Soo-Bin as Kang.... fake reporter working under Baek

 Made a slight error in what I said at the end of the last recap which was that Woo-Hye was at the scene controlling Da-Ii. Woo-Hye wasn't but she still managed to put Da-Ii under her 'spell', when the 20th episode ended Da-Ii had Yeo-Wool pinned against a church wall strangling her. The pair had gone to the Jaeil church looking for clues in the whereabouts of Da-Ii's body, they weren't able to get any as Yeo-Wool's old friend Gyeol, who is now under Woo-Hye's control, had killed the priest. Gyeol was waiting outside the church for Yeo-Wool to leave and to possibly kidnap her, though
Da-Ii is still a ghost who can't be seen be was able to subdue Gyeol.
 But after that is when his eyes became a flaming red, when that happens Woo-Hye has you under her 'spell'. Da-Ii proceeded to pin Yeo-Wool against a wall and she's no match for his strength. Lucky for her arriving on the scene was the young detective Jung-Dae who has a huge crush on Yeo-Wool but knows he has zero chance to win her love.
 Jung-Dae saw her pinned against the wall and struggling for breath, as mentioned Da-Ii is still a spirit that no one can see save for Yeo-Wool. Don't know if it was because Woo-Hye wasn't at the scene but her power over Da-Ii wore off enough where he regained his sanity to an extant. He stopped his strangling of Yeo-Wool but he still considered himself dangerous. What Da-Ii then did was to grab the handcuffs Jung-Dae had on his belt and to cuff himself to a railing.
 Did look a bit amusing just seeing handcuffs dangling in air with no one in them as Jung-Dae still can't see Da-Ii though he now believes he's a ghost. Da-Ii didn't remain cuffed for too long as the time was about to strike 1:00 am which is when his spirit returns to his human body and at that time that's exactly what happened. Yeo-Wool is safe for now but is so shook up over what Da-Ii tried to do to her, Yeo-Wool is thinking Da-Ii is about to become a full time evil spirit and there's nothing she can do to stop it. Meanwhile Gyeol had managed to slip away, he's now a hunted person too for being Woo-Hye's henchman along with murdering the priest.

 While that action was taking place there was a long scene involving Woo-Hye. She paid a visit to her childhood home for the first time in 25 years, seems as though no one moved in after her father and brother died plus 25 years ago is when Woo-Hye fell into a coma after jumping off a roof. It appeared she knew someone would be there and she was correct, that person was Woo-Hye's mother who she hadn't seen since she was seven years old. Her mother had faked her own death when Woo-Hye was seven, Woo-Hye was a bit upset about that but was even more furious about her mother never visiting her daughter while she laid in a coma.
 Won't go into all of the details but Woo-Hye really lit into her mother who is a bit deranged herself. The mother, who remained nameless, told Woo-Hye that they could become a family again as she's been taking care of Hoon who is Woo-Hye's younger brother. The mother had been taking care of someone but it isn't her son Hoon, we viewers know it's been Da-Ii and the mother has been keeping him locked away in an unknown location and also heavily sedated.
 Few thoughts just occurred to me now such as why did the mother kidnap the body of Da-Ii and how did she manage to do it? Had to be when Da-Ii was buried alive by Woo-Hye's ex-henchman Jeon, could be have possibly brought the body to the mother? And if so why plus why is she keeping Da-Ii under sedation, there's also more posers and it appears none of them will be answered,
 Back to the scene and Woo-Hye whipped out a knife, though she's the reason for so many deaths we've never seen her commit a murder. Or have we, was thinking about the time when a young womaan was killed and did she do it back in episode twelve(?). That's probably because she was in a coma for so many years but now she's threatening her mother who has turned into a whimpering fool. Like the previous time with Yeo-Wool Woo-Hye handed over the knife and told her mother to kill her. That's exactly what the mother tried to do and lunged at Woo-Hye but somehow when she tried stabbing her daughter the knife went into her body! Was a tad confusing how it was done as the scene was dimly lit but now Woo-Hye's mother is dead and it seems the death happened too prematurely for Woo-Hye.

 Don't know why Woo-Hye didn't deduce the fact that her mother wasn't talking about her brother Hoon but instead the person she's been searching for, Da-Ii. That was a huge mistake on Woo-Hye's part as she's no closer to finding Da-Ii's body and she should have got his location first before the death. Next recap her new henchman Gyeol also said the same thing but but then again seemed finding Da-Ii's body may not be the #1 priority for Woo-Hye.
 Jumping ahead a bit but her new main goal is to become capturing Yeo-Wool. Woo-Hye's current body is starting to deteriorate and who knows how much longer she can live in it. The body she's using is a young woman's so it should be fine, perhaps using her evil powers is making the body unusable. Her old helper Jeon had told her Yeo-Wool had the most suitable body for Woo-Hye, at the time she shrugged it off then but seems that's not the case anymore. Bottom screenshot above is from the following day, Yeo-Wool had returned to the church along with the coroner Che-Won to see if
Da-Ii would reappear.
 Wherever Da-Ii disappears from is the location he'll come back to though there's no set time but usually it's after 9:00 am. And shortly after that is when he made his return outside of the church, waiting for him was Yeo-Wool. Naturally she's quite spooked over what happened the previous night and she was very leery about approaching Da-Ii. He understood her reaction fully but assured her he's okay now, Da-Ii's eyes are their normal color which means he's safe for now.
 Wasn't a long reunion as Da-Ii tells Yeo-Wool he has something urgent to do. Don't know if a romance will ever happen between the pair but Yeo-Wool had become more smitten than ever with Da-Ii, think he's getting that impression too but unsure for now if he has the same feelings. His pressing matter is to meet with with Jung-Dae which I'll get to a bit lower in the post.

 Weren't too many scenes in episode 21 as we're already on to the next show and it features a scene with the attorney Baek who we never see enough of. She had arranged for Kang, in the middle screenshot, to get a job as a reporter at a newspaper. But the assignment wasn't to be a reporter but to help find clues about the mysterious woman in red, that was before we knew Woo-Hye's name. But in episode twenty Kang has come to the point where he's no longer working for Baek as she got him fired from the paper.
 In retaliation he's had an article printed which could cause a scandal, we don't learn it's contents until the next recap. Baek got Kang canned from his newspaper gig as he had made some threats against her two shows ago, she looks like such a sweetie but Baek can be quite cruel when need be. Sadly that was the only time we saw her in these two episodes, I really need to see Joo-Hee in a few more things. However that's not the last we'll see of Kang, he was a minor character for much of the series but his role does grow in importance the next few episodes.
 Da-Ii feels that he can trust the detective Jung-Dae more than anyone else these days as the two aren't close plus Da-Ii needs Jung-Dae level head. Da-Ii meets up with him outside of Police HQ, though Da-Ii is still an invisible ghost he can touch solid objects and wrote some instructions for
Jung-Dae to carry out. Jung-Dae needs to keep everything a secret from the rest of the team hunting for Da-Ii's body. Da-Ii also asks for one last request that Jung-Dae may not be able to carry out, he has a plan to trap Woo-Hye but if it works then that means Jung-Dae would have to kill Da-Ii!

 Da-Ii's plan was to get Woo-Hye's spirit into his body, he feels if Jung-Dae is there at the exact moment it happens killing him will also destroy Woo-Hye. One other important event took place at their mini meeting, though Da-Ii is usually sedated he can recall a few things about the location of his living body. The most key clue is the smell of grapes, Da-Ii feels that he's trapped in a warehouse that stores grapes plus he thinks the location is outside of Seoul as he remembered being transported to that new hiding place.
 Bottom screenshot shows the coroner Chae-Won on the left, she's the one who had told Da-Ii about being able to kill a spirit once it enters your body. Chae-Won knows so much about the supernatural, when she was a teen she was an apprentice for a Shaman. She's explaining to Yeo-Wool that her dead sister's hearing aid may be some special powerful object that she left behind on purpose. The hearing aid does have powers as Yeo-Wool can see the past when she wears it, when Da-Ii tried it he wasn't able to access the powers.
 One other object that Yeo-Wool's sister left behind was a bracelet, however that's in the hands of Gyeol and if you can combine the two perhaps it'll be a force that can defeat Woo-Hye. Have watched the next two episodes and the combination of the two objects hasn't happened yet. The team of
Yeo-Wool, Chae-Won and Sang-Sub are also still continuing the hunt for Da-Ii's body but before that they're discovered a major clue thanks to the help of detective Jung-Dae. He's found out the address of where Woo-Hye used to live when she was a child, perhaps that's where she's been hiding?

 Getting close to the end as this is the final segment, for some reason these recaps are getting a bit easier as they go on. Kang is back in the picture as he appeared at the detective agency as the trio was heading to Woo-Hye's old address. Kang is a firm believer in the existence of Woo-Hye, he's helped the team by giving them all of the reporting he's done over the years trying to find her. Kang wants to join the team as he also knows Da-Ii and did serve in the Army with him, the trio were a bit leery about Kang but reluctantly they bring him along.
 They weren't the only ones who've learned of Woo-Hye's old address, Da-Ii also has the info which he found out at an internet cafe. He didn't waste any time and headed straight to Woo-Hye's house and as you can see above what he first found was the body of Woo-Hye's dead mother. As I mentioned above the mother had lunged at Woo-Hye with the knife, how it got to that position is a bit of a mystery.
 Besides that body there was one other one in the house but this one was living. This scene took place in the final two minutes of this show and appearing behind Da-Ii was none other than Woo-Hye but then again he did expect to find her at the house. Not much was said, Da-Ii didn't utter a word but
Woo-Hye was babbling some mumble jumble about how alike the two are now and what's uniting them is anger. Anger is a key subject which we'll be hearing about in the next recap as this pair of shows comes to it's conclusion with Da-Ii facing off against Woo-Hye plus about to arrive on the scene are Da-Ii's team along with Jung-Dae.

 Ten more episodes to go which means five more of these recaps and did mention above they are getting easier to write. Still am enjoying this drama immensely and though the number of shows is dwindling down still have no clue how this series will end, that may be a sign of a good show. As usual have a mega amount of screenshots to help you understand the story a bit better and after this post is the recap for the next two episodes.

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