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Monday, June 1, 2020

Nogizaka Cinemas: 'Story of 46', episode six recap starring Miona Hori

 Fuji-TV/FOD homepage link for the show:  https://www.fujitv.co.jp/nogizakacinemas/

This drama began on January 21st, it had ten episodes featuring one Nogi member who are in the above pic and here's the list of who will be in each show plus it's rating:

 Episode one- Asuka      7.5/10
 Episode two- Manatsu  7.1/10 
 Episode three- Sayuri   8.0/10
 Episode four- Mizuki    6.5/10
 Episode five- Hinako     7.4/10
 Episode six- Miona        7.7/10
 Episode seven- Yuki
 Episode eight- Erika
 Episode nine- Shiori
 Episode ten- Mai

 The series aired on Tuesday nights until the end of March. The first five shows were subbed quite quickly and those recaps were done by the end of February. However this is the first episode done since then as the site had a problem with translators. Beam Subs is doing them and it appears they'll be doing the rest of the shows but no schedule has been set. These episodes last 22-24 minutes which are long enough, through six shows none have been a huge winner though all have been enjoyable enough. Let's got on with the brief recap.

 Episode's title.... 'Delivery Wars'

As mentioned in the title Miona is the featured member for this show and I've been waiting so long to view this show for to me she could be Nogi's best actress. She did a fine job in this episode but don't think we saw enough of her nor did she speak many lines. But the show itself was decent though had the potential to be a bit better, Rinko is the name of Miona's character who we didn't meet for the first few minutes.

 The main setting is the studio of an unnamed small production company. They've created a special TV show which will be airing that night but there's been a problem getting the tape to the station airing it. The company had tried sending two deliverymen to the station with the tape which ended up in failures, two more were on hand to attempt the delivery but those men became incapacitated. With only two hours to go until air time the situation was critical, at this point you wondered why the company just couldn't have sent the recording via their computer?
 Their main rival MCD Works was behind the company's thwarted attempts to deliver the tape. MCD had wanted to be the company to air the special TV show but were beaten out, their president Tsuji has vowed revenge and will make sure their show doesn't hit the airwaves. There was only one option left for the company to deliver the tape, that's to have the super AD person Rinko deliver the tape. She's one tough young gal who may not look it but has a fourth belt in karate along with having many other unbeatable fighting skills.

 Rinko has a pay rate of 6,500 yen per hour though for this job she said it's on the house. And off she went to deliver the tape as time was winding down, Rinko didn't use any transportation except for her feet, as long as there's not too many skirmishes she should make it to the TV station with time to spare. Rinko had a small camera attached to her beret which transmitted back to the small production company, there they gave her directions on where to go. Rinko's route wasn't a secret as a bunch of henchmen from MCD were lying in wait but as you can see above she made short work of them.
 However during the melee another trio of MCD men arrived on the scene and stole the tape from Rinko's bag. They split up with her having no clue on who to follow, at first that is as Rinko had put a tracking device on the tape which the crew back at the studio were able to follow and give her instructions on where to go. That destination for the tape was of course the offices of MCD Works where Rinko headed. There lay many more of the president Tsuji's henchmen but Rinko once again showed us her skills defeating them and was able to retrieve the tape. Time is running out to deliver it to the station, Rinko needed to flee the offices without being detected which didn't happen.

 But Rinko may have been able to escape the MCD offices without being found but something overcame her mind which left her a bit powerless. For a while it appeared as though Rinko may have been some sort of humanoid or robot but we soon discovered that wasn't the truth. Locating Rinko was the president Tsuji who grabbed the tape from her and destroyed it. But a very huge secret was revealed here which was that.... Tusji was Rinko's father!!!! That surprised us and she despised the man to no end. He's a cruel person and really abused Rinko and her mother growing up, revenge has been on her mind for some time now but it seems she was defeated by her father.
 Not so fast as back at the small production company they had made an extra copy of the tape and the crew delivered it themselves to the TV station. However lying in wait was Tsuji and his main strongman who were about to take the copy, there was now less than ten minutes to go until airtime. But out of nowhere popped Rinko whose quest to avenge Tsuji for her upbringing hadn't ended. In no time she was able to pummel her father's very strong bodyguard and ended up doing the same to Tsuji though she let him live(we think). In a somewhat happy ending the crew were able to deliver the tape of their special TV show in time and it aired successfully. Meanwhile Rinko disappeared shortly after and in the final seconds we saw her merge back into the huge crowds of Tokyo waiting for her next dangerous assignment.

 Of all six episodes Miona by far looked the best and she has an excellent chance of reclaiming the honor of being my #1 fave Nogi member very soon. All in all this was a decent show and this is the first one I think that will be viewed a second time. There were no dull moments in this show which is to be expected as the running time was just 24 minutes, plenty more screenshots below from this episode. No clue when the next recap will be done but am just happy I was able to do this one as I had given up hope any more of this series would be subbed. If you're a Miona fan hope to have another solo post for her this Friday when the sales of her second PB will be announced.

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