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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Rika Izumi: Wants to know why she hasn't been mentioned as being in contention....

.... for being number one on this year's faves list?! Good question and though she's right about not mentioning her Rika is always in the mix for being #1 whether it's for a yearly list, all time faves list or hottest woman in the universe list and think she may be number one for the last two. Will admit I do take Rika for granted at times meaning we always know she's going to have some fabulous pics and look so darn alluring and classy in them. Won't be doing the first preliminary list until the end of July but thinking about it now would place Rika third on my current list and this year may be her best chance of finishing #1. However a lot may depend on how things go the second half of the year as far as activities go and whether things can get back to somewhat normal in Japan. Not just for her but most others who are currently vying for this year's number one.

 Do kind of feel bad for Rika as her second photobook came out in April at the height of the health crisis. She wasn't able to do much promoting for it nor could an event be held for the PB which definitely affected sales. Rika's first book that came out in 2017 sold over 50,000 copies which is an impressive figure, so isn't hers!!!! But "Madeira" has only sold about 11,000 copies to date and we all know why the sales were so low but that's also been the case for most other books. Many of you have seen these before but here's an encore viewing of some of the new book's pics.

 In case you've never seen the pics from her first photobook the link is above and to me it's the top book of all time. Of course there's still no events allowed in Japan which is a shame as Rika looks so stupendous at them. So let's go back in time to April 2017 and an event for that first book.

 Hmmmm, something just popped into my tiny head. Last year a record was set as my #1 fave was 32 years and one month which is a record for being the oldest. But if Rika was to top this year's faves list she'd be 32 years and two months old(!), hopefully hearing that will give her some incentive to bless us with some terrific pics. As has been the cast for 80% of her posts most of the pics for today will be from modeling sites which is oki doki to me as in a way I may prefer Rika dressed elegantly than in a swimsuit.... er, maybe not but it is awful close. This is her fifth post in three months so there's not a huge amount of new pics but enough, this first set are new from the Apuwesier site.

 Before I go on with the new pics here's an older batch I've never posted before which came out in January 2019 for Vis X Lee.

 Another fine collection of new modeling pics from PSTL.

 And one more round of pics from the Stola site.

 Rika was in a drama that just ended last Saturday called "182 Days Left" aka Meteorite Family. Kind of flew under the radar as I had forgotten about it but will be looking for it though probably won't find subs for it. It was about a meteorite heading towards Earth which will be hitting the planet within six months that will blow the Earth up, that sounds like an interesting show. Let's get back to the new pics and this fine set is from the July issue of With.

 Last month Rika celebrated her first anniversary of being an exclusive Oggi model. Her pics with them are always fantastic and these are all new from the past two weeks from their site.

 Final set for today is from the July edition of Oggi which features outtake pics from the new PB. As has been the case for so many of my faves there's been no recent videos so will go back in time again to April 2017 for that photobook event and does she ever look amazing in the video....


  1. She'll forever be an absolute bombshell. Makes you not want to take your eyes off the pics

  2. What took me so long to respond is that I couldn't take my eyes off the pics....

  3. Can't blame ya. You'd even forget to turn on your cold shower

  4. Didn't forget, never turned it off after her last post....
