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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, June 8, 2020

Yuina Kuroshima: Just her second post ever(?!)....

 Don't find it hard to believe that this is just the second post for Yuina as I've been aware of that for some months now. But do have a hard time believing it's taken me so long to do this second post and if things work out like I want them to that total should be five within the month. That's because Yuina is someone I really like immensely and is a gal who should be a fixture on the yearly faves list. Know there's been so many posts over the years for Idols and gravure models featuring so many bigger faves of mine.
 But in all honesty much prefer a woman like Yuina who may be so unlike a gravure model but looks so darn irresistible to me. Some of the blame goes to Yuina for lack of posts as she doesn't appear in many magazines or promo events. But she does appear in enough of them so will take the blame for lack of posts but will have many of these coming up. It's a late start to a small extent but will make sure she hits six posts to be eligible for this year's top twenty list. Next post will try to have some better comparison pics but to me these two just look so, so similar....

 This and the upcoming posts will be large though not massive ones as I'm known for. As mentioned there is a lack of certain activities so will space the posts out a bit, say one every ten days but all should have fifty or so pics. Yuina's first and only post was done in January 2019 so obviously I've been aware of her for a long time, since that date she's turned a year older as on March 15th she hit the age of 23 and so many of my faves were born under the Pisces sign.

 Yup, always need a lager to alleviate the power of that first drink!!!! Let's get to the mild action and Yuina has been around for so many years, as I said she's now 23 in age and has been in dramas/films for almost seven years now and often has the lead role in them. She had the main female role in the movie "Katsuben" which came out last December, some pics from the Crank site promoting it.

 Next post will have pics from the premiere and more info but for today have some other event pics for the film. It had a showing at last year's 'Tokyo International Film Festival' which was it's 32nd. The film had it's special showing on October 31st and some pics from the event.

 Yuina doesn't appear in many mags and one main reason is that she doesn't do gravure pics which I consider to be a good thing and doubt if she ever will. So because of the lack of spreads will have just one in her all of the posts but there have been 2-3 already this year. Such as this small set from the April 28th issue of Flash which was promoting Yuina's current drama "Gyoretsu no Megami" which appears to be a show worth watching but sadly haven't been able to find any episodes. Plus at it's
TV-Tokyo site can't view it because I'm not in Japan.

 But one show I did just start on was her 2019 drama "Shiyakusho" that began on October 16th and also aired on TV-Tokyo. Have a short primer for the series after these pics which are from an event held for the drama last October 10th. Yuina is dressed as she is in the show and while she's a bit thin she looks more than oki-doki to me.

 The last few regular dramas I've attempted to view have all been so-so and guess I was due for a few of those as I did have such a long streak where most were simply superb. But have a feeling I've made my best drama selection in a while as "Shiakusho" aka Death Office is one show that I'm going to enjoy immensely. Watched the first episode yesterday but mainly only took screenshots of Yuina so will need to view it again, with any luck will have a pair of recaps this weekend for the drama.
 Briefly the setting is at the 'Death Office' which is a location all of us go to when we die. There the 'screeners' look at your life and how you died. From that info they then decide where you'll be spending your afterlife, in Heaven or in Hell! For instance in this first show a teen boy named Kano took his own life but won't give the office more details about his death or what led up to it. Because of that he'll have to enter the Purgatory stage which is the level between Heaven and Hell though eventually he does go to the place above.
 Won't give away too many spoilers yet as I'll be saving most details for those recaps. In the drama Yuina plays the character of Michiru who has just recently died. But at the Death Office everyone looks exactly how they did when they died so if they were shot or stabbed they'd have a wound and be all bloody. That wasn't the case for Michiru who claimed she was murdered but wasn't able to convince her 'screener' that was how she died. That was where the situation stood at the end of the 32 minute episode and have no clue what's to become of her character. After the pics check out her second most viewed CM which was from four years ago and was for Calpis Water.

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