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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, June 15, 2020

Risa Watanabe: Her quasi-exquisite 35th post!

 For a long stretch had been taking Tuesdays off due to the slowdown on activities for my faves as there was usually nothing to post about. But haven't taken one off in three weeks and bring that up because a day off is what will be happening tomorrow as it's really been a struggle lately for posts or at least ones with current happenings. There's been an okay amount recently but seems most posts have been for older things or dramas but least everything posted has been new for here.
 Did mention slightly in the previous post how this crisis has kind of affected the way I look at some of the gals or groups I've posted about so often. Do admit I've grown a bit weary of the J-Pop scene and really haven't missed doing posts about the genre. Seems these days the amount of Idols who I truly do like has dropped to such a low level, perhaps twenty in all which I think are about five from Keya, a pair from NMB, few from SKE and about eight from Nogi. It's actually the groups I don't care as much about as the members that I've been following for years have seem to become bigger faves than ever.
 Risa will always be someone who I follow and will save some of my Keya disappointments for a group post though there may not be one for a while. Risa has been slowly creeping up there again for the yearly top twenty list, as of now would place her in the second position. Of course that's where she finished last year and hope she doesn't become a bridesmaid instead of a bride or at least for here. It's been six weeks since the last Risa post and have been dying to have one for the last few weeks. There's not a huge amount of new pics from that stretch but have a few oldies which are new for here, though I had a minor Idol rant above she's still the gal I enjoy posting about more than anyone else.

 Few days ago did a post for the most popular women here which was figured out by how many views their average post gets. Last year Risa's twenty solo posts had an average of over 1,100 views, complied the stats back in late December so those twenty posts may have seen their average go up to 1,150 or so. But for this year her six posts by the end of May 31st only had an average of 398(!) and what a huge drop Risa has suffered in popularity. That average will go and those posts may hit 450 or so by the end of the year. But is was shocking how low it was and she didn't even finish in the top ten for average after being #1 last year, that's a mystery as her posts are the best ones I seem to do.

 There's about sixty or so pics for today but only 26 are new ones from the past six weeks. The slowdown is easing in Japan but magazines are still only publishing half of the issues they once did plus concerts and events are still a no go. Doesn't help either that there's been no new songs from Keya in sixteen months which basically means no new group things, if they wait too long before releasing anything new too many fans will have deserted them.
 Then again Risa is coming close to the point where she may not need the group as much as she once did as she is quite popular though would like to see her increase her solo activities. Have been including many pics in these posts for the group's 'Keyakise' app game which still isn't available for regular computers. Have posted so many at times forget which ones were in posts and which weren't but am confident these are all new for here though they were released from 2017 to 2019.

 That bottom card included an ex-Keya member who is now in Hina, forgot to mention that group at the top as there's a few members who I do like quite a bit. The last three months the only event pics I've been able to post are older ones due to the ban on them. Shame too as Risa is one of the five Keya members that would always appear at an event, but she is one of the quietest members in the group and never says enough at them. Will go back about one year to July 2, 2019 as the core five event members were promoting a new group card for Aeon, they've done so many events and CM's for the credit card company.

 Risa has been an exclusive Non-no model for over three years but have been hoping another site or magazine would scoop her up. She usually has many pics at their site but there's been very few the past six weeks, just these new ones and would have expected five times as many.

 Least her spread for their June issue was somewhat big.

 Few bonus pics from the photo shoot for this post's final batch of pics....

 .... that are from the June 10th edition of Weekly Shonen, she once again is on a cover but can't call her the cover girl. I think spreads like this set of pics are fabulous but Risa doesn't do gravure spreads and wonder if that's why her popularity dropped so much this year? Of course there were some dazzling pics over a year ago for her photobook but that's been it for gravure pics and to me Risa's still looks beyond perfect in all of her recent pics. No new videos and that's been the case for most groups and Idols the past three months. But after the pics have a video that hadn't been posted from last September's Autumn/Winter Girls Award' show.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts of Risa, her photoshoots looks lovely as ever.
