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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Nao Kanzaki: 2020's 'Top Twenty Faves' preliminary list #1, part one....

As the title says this is part one and will have the second half of the list tomorrow. Yesterday mentioned how I'd be doing this preliminary list a month earlier plus instead of having four from July through October, will have three of them with today being of course the first, next will be at the end of August and then the final post in October. About  a month after that last prelim list will start on the official list which I presume will be twenty but it's not written in stone yet.
 For this first list will have the top sixteen, will have eight faves today and the others in tomorrow's post. That's good enough as most of the time the bottom five on the list change constantly which doesn't happen too often for the top ten. The rules are the same as they were last year, a person needs to have six solo posts to be eligible and have to be 21+ in age. For this first list a person needed four posts, have to think they'd get two between now and mid-November.
 Of course this top fave needs no introduction but for now Mai didn't make the top sixteen but would have her pegged around 20th. As most viewers have noticed the posts have slowed down the past two months and especially for June. But not going to change the requirements to make the top twenty list and there are close to 25 that have qualified. Mai is one but she's done so little the past few months and really don't expect to hear too much from her in the near future. Perhaps this slowdown isn't too bad of a thing for her as she may have wanted a break after eight years of working almost non-stop, hope to see more of her as she'd still have a chance at the top ten.

 Above is Misato who has only two posts so far this year and have I been missing her. Last year she was third(!) on the list and thought she'd be in contention for this year's #1 spot but this slowdown has really affected her as Misato used to attend more events than anyone I posted about. She will be at this weekend's 'Girls Award' show as an emcee, let's pray a post follows that.
 So let's get on with this mini list and for this first post will have the positions from sixteen to nine to keep the suspense up! So of course that means tomorrow's post will have spots eight through one and most long time viewers should know who my current number one is and perhaps also #2. Will list the position, have a few pics and such plus will also have a link to one of their posts from this year in case you may not know much about that gal. But there really aren't any unknowns on the list as most are also huge faves of so many of you that visit.

#16.... Kazusa Okuyama

 Kazusa has been a big fave since she was introduced about two years ago but just missed making last year's list. Very few models have done as many gravure spreads as she has since 2018 but she's also an actress. Just wish there were a few other activities to post about her which is a reason for her somewhat lowish position. Expect another post for her soon as her second photobook is coming out in two weeks.

 #15... Mai Shinuchi

 There was one change this year which dealt with the eligibility requirement. Six posts had been needed which isn't always easy for Idols or Korean actresses. So made a rule if you have 250 pics between solo and group posts that'll be enough to qualify, that 250 is like having six posts of forty or more pics. That's how Mai will be eligible for this year's list, so often she has ten or more pics in a Nogi post but rarely any solo ones. That link above is to one though and it wouldn't be a stretch to see her make the top ten this year.

 #14.... Hinako Sakurai

 Hate to say it but this is one unpopular selection and she's someone who still has a chance at making the top five. Last year fifth was Hinako's position and have been wondering am I the only one in the world who thinks she looks so utterly fabulous? That may be the case or at least here as her posts receive fewer views than any other Japanese woman. Next month expect a pair of posts for her 2019 film "He Won't Kill, She Won't Die" which is now out on DVD and is subbed.

 #13.... Park Eun-Bin

 Bit of a slow stretch for Eun-Bin which should be ending soon as she has an upcoming drama and I viewed four that she starred in this past year. My #1 series for this year will probably be "Stove League" and what an enjoyable show that was. Another good reason for doing these prelim lists are is that is reminds me of some faves who haven't had a post for a while or have slipped my mind, to an extent that's what's happened with this position.

 #12.... Sayaka Komuro

 Of all the gals I've introduced the last year the one whose popularity has remained way too low is Sayaka. Can't understand that in the least as I figured viewers would be gaping at her pics which to me are the top gravure ones from the past year. Hard to find a hotter woman around these days and have been at a total loss why you viewers are only lukewarm about her.

 #11.... Mio Imada

 Now on the other hand Mio has become one of the more popular gals that have been introduced the last year and a half. She currently has two posts in the top ten for most views and not sure why she's not a few spots higher though there's certainly enough time to move up. Last year she was ninth on the list so really not much of a drop as there's little difference between the two positions.

 #10.... Yui Kobayashi

 For a while Yui was in the top spot but obviously has taken a bit of a tumble. Don't blame her for that as Keya has done zero for this year which has affected so many of their members and by the time their next single/album comes out will anyone remember them? Had been doing a solo post every month but there hasn't been one for June.... yet! She'll be at this Saturday's 'Girls Award' show so hopefully can continue her streak of having a post every month.

 #9.... Nashiko Momotsuki

 Second gravure model in the top twenty and I never have more than that. Nashiko is my current top model in that vein and actually has been for the past two years. She has been expanding her activities such as acting and I may start viewing her current drama which is being subbed. This brings us to the end of part one, all of these gals were so deserving and most ultra hot. With that being the case what will the top eight list look like!?!?

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