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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Nogizaka46: A little bit of this and that for 2020 #15....

 These Nogi group posts are getting much more difficult to do and can really say that about every
J-Pop group which isn't that bad of a thing. But this is the first Nogi group post in fifteen days and a gap like that doesn't happen too often though it that could be how long it'll be until the next post such as this one. Least there's been a trio of recent Miona posts plus have been recapping their 'Nogi Cinema' series though most fans don't seem to care about it.
 But for those that do there's two more episodes to go in the drama, still wavering on whether to recap episode which I have watched but for sure will do a post for the final show. First time in eons that Erika has led a post off and she was the featured Nogi member in the eighth episode. It was kind of a disappointing show, not her performance but the episode was a bit of a mess and it would have helped so much if it was about ten minutes longer. On the bright side her "Intermission" photobook has cracked the 300 K mark for sales which is the second best selling Idol book ever but there's no chance that the book will ever surpass #1.... in sales that is....

 Actually the pic at the very top isn't from the PB but is my all time fave Erika pic, don't know why as "Intermission" had so many breathtaking ones but it's been my number one from her for about two years. Not too many recent mag spreads so we'll start off with one featuring her from the July edition of UTB. However to me they appear to be outtake pics from a 2018 spread she did for the mag, that was also was the case with her spread for their December 2019 issue. It's been so long since we've seen her do a regular spread and know many fans(me) have missed them.

 Unsure whether a post or two will be done for a special Abema-TV special that starred two of my hugest Nogi faves. Those are Hinako(#1) and Miona(#3) who in February traveled to New Caledonia for a few days. The first day has been subbed, when the second is completed will make the decision then. To be honest it's a bit of a lame show but it's somewhat entertaining but to think the pair spent a good portion of a day on the water and weren't in their swimsuits.... sigh....

 One photobook's sales which have kind of surprised me are the figures for Manatsu's second PB. It was released nine weeks ago but has never dropped out of the top ten for sales and may hit the 70,000 mark next week. Her first PB didn't even sell 50,000 copies so shocked that this one is doing so well but it certainly has some ultra dazzling pics.

 Yuki's second photobook is also selling extremely well but that was to be expected, sales are approaching 185,000 copies sold. Do have the PB but will wait for it to drop out of the top ten for sales which should be soon but then again perhaps not. Say that as there's no other Nogi books scheduled and there may not be for the rest of the year so because of that the PB may stay on the charts for a long time. But if it hits 200,000 in sales will post the pics regardless if it's still in the top ten so that should be sometime in July. Yuki looks so tremendous in the PB but for her spreads has now gone back to a more conservative style and there's nothing wrong with that. This spread is from the June 12th issue of TV Guide, bottom few pics are interview ones from their site.

 One more spread which is a mini one from the June issue of EX-Taishu. It features Ayane and she's really had many solo spreads this year, more than the previous three years combined I bet.

 Most Nogi activities have really come to a halt the last two months, that includes mag spreads which kind of surprises me. Also in short supply are modeling pics as I guess so many sites have used up their backlog of pics. Luckily we do have some for today with my second fave member Mai and she may be the most underrated hottest Idol around, perhaps it's because she doesn't really look like one? She has a few recent modeling pics though wish there ten times more, the first trio of pics are from the andgirl site while the others are from Oggi.

 Even though certain activities are now allowed in Japan one thing we won't be seeing are concerts or events which could continue until next year. So to fill these posts out will be having some pics from older events and have been doing so in most other posts. This batch of pics is close to four years old but in all honesty don't recall the event too well so maybe they were never posted or at least not that many pics. Back on August 5, 2016 my #1 member Hinako made a solo appearance at the 'Tokyo Idol Festival', Nogi made their only group appearance at the festival the following year. They had a mini fashion show at the event and she took a stroll for the Zipper magazine which is no longer in existence, easy to see why she's my number one Nogi member....

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