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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Nao Kanzaki: 2020's 'Top Twenty Faves' preliminary list #1, part two....

 As I mentioned yesterday one big positive for me doing these lists is that it helps jog my memory about a few faves who have been overlooked and forgotten about. Not that I often forget about Rena but did compiling this first preliminary list but she wouldn't have made the top sixteen, 18th perhaps? That's where she finished on last year's final list and took a quick glance at that top twenty list for 2019. Number one is ineligible which leaves nineteen others who may make the following year's list.
 Of the twenty who have made this loose list eleven were on last year's final top twenty list which is close to 60%. That's not too bad as I don't like a lot change for who my bigger faves are, so of the eight not on this first list what's happened to them? Three may still make that final list beginning in late November but just didn't have enough posts to qualify for this first list. Know all three won't become eligible so if two do that'll mean 13/19 carried over from last year or 68% and it's good to see I'm not too wishy-washy about my faves.

 Of the other five there's a few who I've kind of lost interest in. The biggest one is Ayaka who made my top twenty for three years in a row but these days I just don't follow her that closely and wouldn't surprise me if I never post about her again. There's two others like that and the other two from last year's list who won't be appearing this year I know already won't have enough posts and sure this crisis has been a bit of a reason. But won't change that requirement of needing six posts as over twenty have already qualified, don't think thirty will be eligible this year again but that's the goal. Of those two who have no chance at reaching six posts one will be Min-Young, such a shame as she's still such a huge fave of mine and has made the list three prior times.

 She's always been the oldest gal in the rankings, at age 34 it would have happened again this year and it appears 32 will be the oldest age of any fave on this year's list. Let's get to it and the next preliminary list will be done at the end of August, then the last one in October and in late November will be starting on the official 'Top Twenty Faves' list. Just like yesterday's post will list the positions in reverse order from eight to one to keep the suspense growing and will also have a link to one of their 2020 posts. Has been a bit slow lately for posts but am hoping this weekend there will be higher amount of them as there's a huge 'Girls Award' show taking place with many of our bigger faves.

#8.... Haruka Fukuhara

 It's been very rare when someone finishes in the same position two years in a row. Still very early but eighth was Haruka's spot on last year's list, not sure why she didn't move up as I like her so much more but that could be a good sign that the competition this year is very tough. She'll be 22 in age when the final list is done and two others will also be that age. Had thought my faves were getting a bit young but that's really not the case as I'm predicting half of the list will be of gals 26 or older.

 #7.... Bae Suzy

 Haven't done one post yet this month for any Korean actress nor dramas but that'll be changing very soon. As was the case with the above fave Suzy also finished in this position last year and would expect her to be no lower than tenth. This will be four years in a row with her making the list which will be the longest current streak. Forgot to mention Tsubasa in the above intro but she's made the list all five years but just can't see her reaching six posts in 2020 to qualify.

 #6.... Yui Imaizumi

 Wow, hadn't realized Yui hasn't had a regular post since that link to her April 5th one. Have the makings of a post but that's been the case for over a month and she would have been a position higher had there not been this long stretch with zero posts, will make an effort to do another one very soon. To date she's made the largest leap of anyone from last year's list where she finished 17th. These days I'm not as much into J-Pop or Idols as I once was but three from Nogi may make the top twenty, also two from Keya and as is the case here an ex-member but no one from any other group. These are all newish pics which haven't been posted here before, they came out in mid-May and think these were her last batch of new pics but are they ultra sultry or what!?!?

 #5.... Miona Hori

 Second biggest jump as last year she was 11th on the list. Not much more I can say about Miona who has been such a huge fave of mine for many years, she's been in my top three for Nogi members since 2016. She'll be at Saturday's 'Girls Award' show along with four others from the group, don't think there will be another solo post for her but you will see many pics this weekend from the show. Sales aren't too high but her second PB has been #1 all three weeks it's been out.

 #4.... Jin Se-Yeon

 Not sure if the above has a chance at being this year's number one but these top four do though the current #1 will be difficult to surpass. But do give Se-Yeon a fair chance of doing that and I just can't get enough of her, in my eyes she just may be the most beautiful and alluring woman ever or at least current one. Had she been a bit busier this year she'd be number one without a doubt but seems this health crisis has affected Korean actresses more than their counterparts from japan, perhaps because they attend more events?
 Working on a huge project which you won't see for about a month and know that 95% of the viewers won't care about it. But will be recapping her recent "Born Again" drama and for the first time will be having all sixteen posts in a row. Am just up to episode's seven and eight, watch a pair and then write the recap for it so it'll be taking a while to complete the project but had never done one like this before and wanted to see how it works out.

 #3.... Rika Izumi

 Ooops, made a slight mistake mentioning something in the seventh position as this will be another fave who has made the list four years in a row. Rika has never finished lower than sixth, as I've said before have a strong feeling she'll never top a yearly list yet when the next 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list is compiled she'd be in line to be number one. Have been working on a post for her which has enough pics for a half post(?), that's actually the case for about ten women so am hoping in July that'll there will be rash of them for everyone to enjoy as they're all for huge faves of ours. She'll be turning 32 in October so will be the oldest fave on the list.

 #2.... Risa Watanabe

 To me the battle for the top spot will be with positions one(of course), two and four. Risa finished second last year too but in a way she was my #1 for 2019, always give a slight edge to the older fave. She started out slow this year but has zoomed way up in the past two months and I just can't think of any superlatives to say about her that I haven't said before. For some reason she won't be at this weekend's 'Girls Award' show and she always looks so dazzling at them.

 #1.... Marie Iitoyo

 If you've read most of my posts then Marie being #1 shouldn't be a surprise in the least. She's held the top spot since early March and does have quite a lead over the second place fave. But then again anything could happen as Marie last year was number one until September then faded a tad the last quarter of the year and finished fourth. That's not going to happen this year and would be shocked if she didn't hold on to the top spot but am hoping a few others will give her a battle.
 Have the makings of yet another Marie post but am waiting to see if she'll appear at this weekend's 'Girls Award' show. She's not on the list to attend but the site did say there was a huge amount of actresses and models who will be there but weren't listed at their site. Though one of my biggest faves for the past three years and really of all time Marie hasn't captured the hearts of many out there as her posts only receive a so-so amount of views. Hard to believe with almost 75 of them not one has ever cracked the top ten for most views and wonder why....

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