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Friday, February 12, 2021

Juice=Juice: Sayuki Takagi "Sayuki" photobook scans....


 Excellent timing for this post but in an entirely negative way. Don't know how well many of you viewers know Juice=Juice but they've been one of my top J-Pop groups the past four years. They began in 2013 so this year will be their eighth anniversary and for that stretch they had remained scandal free. Sadly can't say scandal free any more as to my surprise the first member to be involved in one is Sayuki and can now call her an ex-member. It would have been a surprise to me if any gal was caught doing something taboo but especially Sayuki.

 However a magazine has discovered her secret life which is that she's been living with a singer the past 1 1/2 years. Don't know a thing about him but he does have a current hit single and is getting popular though I'll never listen to his tunes. It appears the Hello Project management was aware of Sayuki's situation but in an odd twist were overlooking it. But now that the news of her relationship broke two days ago they've dropped Sayuki which of course meant she had to depart from Juice=Juice. This news just came out of nowhere and to me she always seemed like a decent young woman, sure she still is but really wish Sayuki's departure from JJ was a positive one. Know there's plenty of articles about her out there so it may be better to view then to get most of the details. 

 But now a bigger question is what's going to be happening with Juice=Juice? Their next single is scheduled to come out on March 24th but now will it? She's recorded her vocal parts and done the videos for the songs but you would think management would now need to rerecord everything. For now the group has cancelled all of their promo events and such for the single, with her departure now just two of the original five members are left.

 But Sayuki's agency didn't drop her and think they may have her become a solo artist. Hope so as to me she has the best singing voice of any Hello Project member, not just current ones but of all time. Doesn't seem as though her fans are too upset from the reports I've read so bet after a spell to let things cool down we'll see her back as a singer. On to the pics and this is one of the better H!P books from the past few years. It was released on August 9, 2019 and at the time Sayuki was 22 in age, this April she'll be turning 24. There's a total of a hundred pics and wish this post had been a bit more positive as she is one likable gal.

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