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Sunday, February 14, 2021

"Yuru Camp" drama: Episode ten recap


 Air Dates: January 9th to March 26, 2020 on TV-Tokyo, Thursday nights at 12:25 am
Subs were mostly done by EcoTV but another team did at least the first show, you'll notice the font difference and the title roughly translates over to laid back camp.

Main Cast: We'll seldom see anyone besides these five, had only watched the first two episodes before writing the character info so may edit things as time goes on. The setting is Nanbu in Yamanashi prefecture which is a little over thirty miles away from Mt. Fuji. Like so many dramas it's based upon a manga and anime.

 Haruka Fukuhara as Rin Shima.... Main star of the show and she's an avid camper. However she has only done it alone as she'd rather not have others spoil her fun. So instead of joining the Outdoor Club at high school Rin is in the library club but that may not last for much longer.

 Yuno Ohara as Nadeshiko Kagamihara.... New girl at high school but had met Rin a few days before her first day. Nadeshiko had no clue about camping until meeting her but quickly became such a fanatic and joined the Outdoor Club on her first day at school.

 Momoko Tanabe as Chiaki Ogaki ... President of the Outdoor Club who had just two members until Nadeshiko joined. They weren't much of a camping club until then and it's located in a very tiny room until they can get to five members.

 Yumena Yanai as Aoi Inuyama.... The other member of the Outdoor Club. To date they've never taken a camping trip but do have various equipment, they spend most of their days burning leaves and keeping the school grounds tidy.

 Sara Shida as Ena Saito.... Rin's best friend who in these first few shows doesn't show much interest in camping though does love nature and animals. She is one kawaii young woman!!!!

Links to a few previous shows: 

Think this will be the last of the recaps though am planning on watching the final four episodes tomorrow. That's why I wrote up on January 24th but had a change of mind with this show. discussed why I came back to this series in the above post. The main problem I usually have when a drama is about to be finished is finding the next one. Am currently viewing one that's still airing but prefer late night shows such as this one. May have found an odd show that's Zombie based from 2019 but the question is will I find it subbed?

 Not an intense cliffhanger to end off the previous show though it may have been for Rin. For the second time that day the road she was traveling on was closed. In that first occasion she had been bailed out by another camper who suggested a better route to the campground near Lake Suwa. But this latest setback has really sent Rin's blood boiling as she wasn't all that far from her destination and taking an alternate route would have been at least another eighteen miles. It's early December and of course the nights arrive much sooner so staying on the road for an extra hour has sent Rin into a frenzy.

 But she was helped out once again by her new 'weirdo friend' Nadeshiko who couldn't make the trip to the Nagano area because of a cold. But she's been helping Rin out from her house by checking where stores, restaurants and local landmarks are as Rin doesn't have internet access on the road. It actually wasn't Nadeshiko who bailed out Rin this time but Chiaki from the Outing Club and her role has increased quite a bit over the last few episodes. She explained to Rin that the sign wasn't really saying the road was closed and was there by accident. It happened to Chiaki's family once on a trip and if there's no reasons on the sign why the road is closed nor a barricade Rin should be able to travel safely.

 Success for Rin as she arrived at her site quickly after that call, she wanted to arrive by 6:30 pm and it's probably thirty minutes after that by now. To me it didn't appear to be a campground as there was no office or other buildings plus no campers were around but then again it was a cold time of the year. First things first and that's setting up a the tent, you can see a bit above how Rin did have some difficulties as it was a breezy night. This journey took Rin much longer than she planned, first with one road being closed, then soaking at a hot springs plus after she fell asleep for a few hours after devouring a delicious lunch. So Rin was probably 2-3 hours behind schedule and she was a bit bummed out there was no time for sightseeing or visiting the lake but at least she had one of her fave things to do on an outing.

 That's to create a meal and being with Nadeshiko a few times has changed Rin's habits. Though she knew so much about cooking on a solo trip Rin would usually just have instant noodles. But her last two trips she has splurged a bit as she bought a mini hot plate and for tonight's meal it was a stuffed hot meat bun. That turned out so well Rin said she should have brought another one and not much else happened during this night. The one thing that did was Rin receiving some texts from her best chum Ena who said she was going to join the Outing Club on a special Christmas camping trip. Chiaki had invited Rin too and she along with me thought she would accept but for now has declined the offer. 

 Rin has always preferred camping alone and to date we still haven't learned most reasons. One is that she doesn't like to be around other campers for the main reason she does so much camping between October and December is that there's so few of them at the camp sites. But Rin did get back to Chiaki and say she would think it over a bit more about joining the club on the holiday trip but still hadn't said Yes by the end of the show. That's the three person Outing Club above who will be joined by Rin's best friend Ena, the dates will be December 24th and 25th. No campground has been set but according to Nadeshiko the most important things will be having a view of Mt. Fuji and being close to a hot springs. Food won't be too much of a worry as Aoi, in the middle above, won a raffle at her supermarket job and her prize was a huge platter of meat. 

 The group was making their plans on the high school's field, overlooking it is the library where Rin spends much of her time as she's in that club and not the Outing one. Rin seemed to be a bit envious of the girls who were so gung-ho about their trip and it seemed she might say yes to joining them but it was still a no go by the end of the show. So the girls meanwhile were laying out plans for the trip and had started a fire to heat their coffee and tea up. Upon seeing that a teacher rushed out of the school and said a fire on the field was prohibited. But she was told by an administrator it was okay for the girls and this man looked at the teacher and said she wasn't the advisor of any club. So on the spot the man appointed the woman Toba as the Outing Club advisor to the glee of the members. But in a more key note as the episode ended was who Toba really was. Nadeshiko recognized her and it was a woman we met three episodes ago who was camping with her sister. At the time Toba was flat out hammered and she seemed to be such a lush to Rin and Nadeshiko who were glad they didn't have to see her often. At the very end Nadeshiko e-mailed Rin a pic of the teacher and said remember who she was!?

 Longest recap to date as a bit more did happen and wonder if these shows would be better by being about five minutes longer? I've enjoyed this series up until now and the the last two episodes will of course be about the Outing Club going on their Christmas trip, Rin hasn't said she would go yet but would bet my life she'll be joining them. Final two recaps will be about five days from now.

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